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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Storm Ciarán update: Wednesday 8 November

08 November 2023


Hautlieu School, which was due to reopen on Thursday, remains closed to students tomorrow and it is hoped the school will reopen on Friday 10 November. This is because the poor weather today is hampering the speed at which repairs can be done. All Hautlieu students will continue with home learning tomorrow, Thursday 9 November. The school continues to run a small number of exams that are happening this week and where that applies to individual children, parents have been written to.

Learning continues at Samarès School and locations near to the school, whilst essential repairs are being carried out in closed off areas of the school building. Home learning is being provided alongside face-to-face learning.

Infrastructure and Environment

The risks from overhanging branches, and unstable trees and walls remains. Islanders are reminded to be cautious while they are out.

Landowners are asked to inspect their properties for damage, especially where it could cause a hazard to the public, such as private roadside trees which are the landowner's responsibility.

Islanders should avoid using countryside and coastal paths, where possible, and are asked not to go beyond the barrier tape that has been used to close off some of these areas.

Asbestos material must be disposed of correctly when bringing storm debris to La Collette's waste facilities. Guidance on the transport and disposal of asbestos material can be found on 

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