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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

States of Jersey financial report and accounts 2009

Produced by the Treasury and Exchequer
Authored by Treasury and Resources and published on 08 Jun 2010
Prepared internally, no external cost


​​The Minister for Treasury and Resources, Senator Philip Ozouf, has published the States of Jersey’s 2009 accounts.

The key points in the accounts are:

  • States Net General Revenue was £674 million in 2009 – that’s £20 million more than forecast. This is due to income tax receipts, which at £508 million are higher than the forecast of £488 million
  • investment income has dropped 54% since 2008
  • departments ended the year £7.6 million under spent - mostly due to delays in implementing various projects
  • there was a net surplus of £71 million compared to the surplus originally forecast of £55 million. Although this will help cushion the island against the effects of the downturn, it is not sustainable in the longer term
  • underlying, recurring expenditure was up 3% on 2008 – accounted for by inflation and various service improvements (agreed by the States Assembly in 2009 business plan)
  • there was extra, unbudgeted spending of £12.7 million – to fund items like the ending of the Reciprocal Health Agreement, the Williamson plan for vulnerable children, the Historic Child Abuse Enquiry and Pandemic Flu preparations
  • there were net assets of nearly £1.6 billion - including £550 million held in the Strategic Reserve
  • these figures include £104 million spent on capital projects – including Energy from Waste plant (£67 million)

Download financial report and accounts 2009 (size 3.42mb)
Download annex to financial report and accounts 2009 (size 4.20mb)
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