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COVID-19 mask information

​Information on wearing a mask

Information on mask wearing is provided for information only.

This guide is to help make the right choice for you regarding wearing a mask:

  • when worn correctly masks are one of the tools for preventing the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections such as flu
  • masks are useful to provide a layer of protection in indoor settings, busy places or on public transport  
  • wearing a well-fitting mask covering the nose and mouth may be also recommended when visiting vulnerable individuals or in vulnerable settings such as care homes and hospitals if there is increased risk identified or an outbreak
  • if you are more vulnerable to COVID-19 due to a health condition or illness, you could ask visitors to your home to wear a mask
  • wearing a mask in indoor settings where ventilation is poor may protect against infection 
  • scarves and bandannas do not offer good protection 

What mask to choose

Some masks offer higher levels of protection than others, and some may be harder to wear than others.

Your mask should be a good fit, fitting closely on the face without any gaps, covering your nose and mouth and be comfortable so that you can keep it on when you need it. 

Some masks are designed and tested to ensure they perform consistently and are labelled to tell you what standard they meet and should be worn according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

If you choose to wear a mask it should meet a recognised standard with a proper fit over your nose and mouth.


Respirators are mostly recommended in certain workplaces as they filter at least 95% of particles in the air when approved by the relevant standard and when you have a proper fit. They seal tightly to your face when fitted properly. 

Respirators have markings printed on the product to indicate they are authentic. Respirator face masks come in a variety of models, prices, availability, and suitability. They may be identified by the international regulatory standard they meet. 

FFP (filtering facepiece) masks are the European respiratory standard. FFP standards refer to the filtering half mask classification by EN 149 and is a European standard of testing and marking requirements for filtering masks. They can be classified as FFP1, FFP2 or FFP3. The higher the number, the better the protection. 

Clear masks

Clear masks or masks with a plastic panel may be a useful alternative for:

  • people who are deaf or have impaired hearing
  • people learning to read
  • people with disabilities
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