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How many applications for licences have been submitted during the period 1 January 2014 to 30 September 2015?

How many licenses have been granted as a consequence of these applications? How many applications have been refused or deferred?

What is the breakdown, by industry sector, in relation to licenses that have been granted / refused?


I apologise if the use of the word “deferred” has caused confusion. In essence, you are correct, in that I was seeking to establish how many applications have been granted or refused. Therefore, please remove the words “or deferred” from the third line of my question.

​However, in order to fully understand the responses to applications, can you clarify whether the only responses to an application are either “granted” or “refused.” In particular, can you clarify that an application that is “granted” is granted unreservedly, and is not for example, “granted subject to certain conditions”?


See the below response to your question, "can you clarify whether the only responses to an application are either “granted” or “refused.” In particular, can you clarify that an application that is “granted” is granted unreservedly, and is not for example, “granted subject to certain conditions”?’’

Table detailing licence information

Under the law, if an application is granted for registered and / or licensed permissions, conditions can be applied.  

The conditions are specific to that business but as an example may include naming a person with registered or licensed permission ie the permission can only be used by that person.  

Article 27 (2) of the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 indicates the types of conditions that may be applied.

See the tables below detailing the information requested in the respective time period.

Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012

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Content Type: GovJE FOI