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How many phone numbers have JT taken from active contract since 2010?  The reasons why and for each removal.

Only JT owns the numbers the customer rents them. No one owns a phone number.
Please also explain what is meant by an active account. The other question if you have taken numbers then why did you need to take it.

How many staff do you employ?


All Scheduled Public Authorities (SPA) are separate legal entities for the purposes of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011.

Therefore, if a request comes in via the States of Jersey central FOI unit it will be disseminated to the most relevant SPAs that are central States of Jersey entities.

In respect of this request, as shareholder, Treasury and Resources (T&R) are the most appropriate department to handle and respond to your request. 

As shareholder, T&R will only hold a certain amount of information regarding its shareholding companies.

The information which you are requesting is not the type of information which T&R hold, nor is it held on our behalf by JT as there is no legitimate reason why, as a shareholder, T&R would either request that information or need it.

We therefore refer you to the following:

“Freedom of Information Law (Jersey) Law 2011

Article 10 Obligation of scheduled public authority to confirm or deny holding information.

(1) Subject to paragraph (2), if

(a) a person makes a request for information to a scheduled public authority; and
(b) the authority does not hold the information,

it must inform the applicant accordingly.”

T&R do not hold this information.

It is intended for JT to become an SPA at some point in the future and when JT is listed in the schedule to the law, the requirements of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 will be applicable. 

However, a date as to when this will come into effect has not been confirmed.

There is, however, nothing preventing you from addressing an FOI request directly to JT.

It is ultimately a matter for JT to assess whether it has any obligations in respect of the FOI Law.

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Approval Status Approved
Content Type: GovJE FOI