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Please could you tell me the number of full time and part time employed individuals that are on income support.


Could you also confirm the amounts paid out to both those in full time and part time work.


The Social Security department can confirm that it holds the requested information.


To determine the number of full time and part time employed individuals that are on Income Support, the Social Security department has compared data from Income Support claims as of the 30 June 2015 with manpower returns data for the same period which is processed at the Social Security Department under the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012.

The manpower returns data provides the basis of the individual’s employment and the definition of full time and part time is the manpower definition.

There are:

  • 1,426 individuals employed on a full time basis (25 or more hours a week)
  • 768 individuals employed on a part time basis (less than 25 hours a week)

Not all Income Support claimants can be categorised into having a full time or part time job: 569 Income Support claimants, in addition to those outlined above, are on zero hour contracts or have multiple jobs.


Income Support is claimed by a household rather than an individual. 

There are, therefore, a number of combinations of employment within Income Support claims and not a simple answer to the question. 

In order to provide an answer to this question, the claims where one person is in full time or one person in part time employment (the most common categories) have been identified and summarised as follows:

Claims with one person in full time employment only

There were 1,037 claims with one person in full time employment. 

The average claim rate for these claims is £197 a week.

The household make up ranges from one adult with no children to two adults with four children.

Claims with one person in part time employment only

There were 564 claims with one person in part time employment. 

The average claim rate for these claims is £249 a week.

The household make up ranges from one adult with no children to two adults with four children.

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Approval Status Approved
Content Type: GovJE FOI