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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Registered firearms (FOI)

Registered firearms (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 24 November 2020.
Prepared internally, no external costs.


How many firearms are currently registered in Jersey?


The Constable of the Parish is responsible for the issue of a firearms certificate (FAC) to residents of that Parish. The below table shows the number of firearms registered in each Parish under ‘Firearms held’. The Constable can also give ‘permission to purchase’ additional firearms, which allows the FAC holder to purchase any additional firearms on the list.

The firearms on the ‘Permissions to purchase’ list have yet to be purchased. In theory, the FAC holder could purchase all of these additional firearms however, in practice they may only wish to purchase any one from the list on their certificate. This could depend on when a particular firearm comes onto the market. This system of granting a list of permissions is currently under review by the Minister. The new proposed system would give the FAC holder permission to purchase only one or two weapons from a particular category of weapon e.g. shotgun or centre fire rifle and so on..

Should residents inherit or find they have innocent possession of a firearm due to a family bereavement or recent discovery, please contact the police Firearms Registry for advice on how to dispose of or retain the weapon legally.

The Firearms Registry can be contacted on 01534 612380.



Firearms ​held

​Permissions to purchase

​Grouville ​595 ​249
​St Brelade​1440 ​522
​St Clement ​691 ​273
​St Helier​1335 ​395
​St John​345 ​561
​St Lawrence​603 ​204
​St Martin​375 ​312
​St Mary375  ​82​
​St Ouen​1128 ​665
​St Peter ​753 ​565
​St Saviour​914 ​420
​Trinity ​428 ​162





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