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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

A final chance to have your say

19 September 2019

Your Island Your Say logo

Islanders are being encouraged to get involved, if they haven’t done so already, in three consultations which are all about to end, and for which the final events are being held this week:

  • The Southwest St Helier Framework which, when adopted, will replace the 2008 Esplanade Quarter Masterplan - closes on 28 September.
  • The Shoreline Management Plan which asks for comments about the draft Jersey Shoreline Management Plan - closes on 27 September.
  • The Island Plan Review, the strategic issues and options document which will begin to shape how Jersey’s natural and built environment will look between 2021 and 2030 - closes on 4 October.
The final Island Plan Review consultation events, where people can talk to officers and find out more: the following are still open for anyone to attend:
  • Thursday 19 September, Trinity Parish Hall, 6pm to 8pm
  • Friday 20 September, St Martin Public Hall, 12pm to 2pm
  • Saturday 21 September, St Mary Parish Hall, 10am to 1pm

The Minister for the Environment, Deputy John Young, said: "If you haven’t yet engaged, please do so. We’ve had a lot of engagement throughout the summer with roadshows in each parish, pop-up stalls and workshops in town and visits to schools and youth groups.  

"There is still time available for islanders to have their say about some of the big issues that will shape Jersey in the next decade. These are important consultations and we want to remind people that they still have time to get involved. Once the consultations are complete we will take views into account in developing future plans." 

Details of all three can be found at

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