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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Listed building or place reference: JN0152

Historic site reference
Fremont House
Road name
La Rue de Fremont
St. John
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Listed Building Grade 3
Residential (rural house)
Statement of significance
Rural property of C17 / C18 origins, retaining historic character and some original features including corbelled fireplaces.
Stands with a cluster of houses high above Bonne Nuit Bay.
External Description
Detached house comprising 2 ranges at right angles, western one which may have originated as a single storey cottage later developed into a 2 storey dwelling, with C18 wing to east. Modern extensions to north. East range: single storey, attic, 4 bays; pitched slate roof, brick chimneys, 2 modern glazed cheeked dormers, small roof light. Front (south) elevation: granite rubble, long roughly dressed granite quoins, dressed granite surrounds to openings, door offset to west of centre, timber double door, glazed upper half, replacement timber sash windows, 12 pane (6/6) horns. Right-hand window lintel inscribed: 17 NEP EMP 28. Side (east) elevation: blank except for small attic window with roughly dressed granite stones. Rear (north) elevation: single modern timber dormer, rendered granite, 2 small windows one with 4 dressed granite block surrounds. West range: 2 storey, 2 bay, pitched slate roof, brick chimney to south end. Front (east) elevation: small dressed granite blocks, larger blocks to openings and quoins, replacement 4 panel door, upper 2 glazed; replacement timber sash windows similar to east range. Side (south) elevation: granite rubble, blank except for attic window. Rear (west) elevation: granite rubble, upper storey apparently later with larger blocks, window reveals brick, granite lintels, dated kneeler in north-west corner 1618.
Internal Description
Some internal features have survived as follows: East range: apparently originally 2 room with hall offset to west of centre, and staircase; the east hall wall and stair gone, modern staircase to rear, former hallway open to east room with C18 corbelled granite fireplace in east wall, corbel to south side, offset timber lintel, bread oven in north cheek behind large granite upright, flanking cupboards in wall; remains of granite fireplace in west room, timber replacement lintel, corbels removed, niche in dressed granite wall to south; no surviving features in upper floor. West range: at right angles to east range linked via dressed granite doorway in north-east corner of large ground floor room, now kitchen, corbelled granite fireplace in south wall, timber lintel, no other features.The plan form has been altered internally.
Special interest

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