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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Energy Suppliers Group

​What we do

The role of the Energy Suppliers Group is for energy market stakeholders to discuss and advise on the progress of the Carbon Neutral Roadmap and our emissions reduction targets. The group has a particular focus on policies related to Jersey's current and future energy supply.    

The secretariat function is provided by the Strategic Policy, Performance and Population department, and the Energy Suppliers Group has since replaced the disbanded Energy Forum according to the Ministerial Decision.   

The group is chaired by the Minister for Energy and Climate Change. The Chair will present a 4 year review of the group to the States Assembly.   

The Energy Suppliers Group will work with the Net Zero Network. The Net Zero Network is a network of local businesses and organisations supported by Government that aims to mobilise decarbonising actions across the Island. This is due to be launched in 2023.

Terms of reference

You can read the terms of reference in the document provided below.

Energy Suppliers Group Terms of Reference

The terms of reference includes:
  • informing the development and delivery of policies within the Carbon Neutral Roadmap 
  • advising on policies related to the energy mix on Island 
  • providing insight into security of supply and price changes across the Island's energy supply 
  • feeding into the Net Zero Network with the potential to work with other working groups 
  • providing input as requested into the Climate Council and their 4-yearly report 
  • providing updates on the energy market and new and developing technologies to the Minister as appropriate

The Energy Suppliers Group will not hold any budget responsibility.

Membership of the Energy Suppliers Group

Members invited to join were limited to representatives from: 

  • energy suppliers
  • domestic and utility scale generators 
  • energy consultants

Members invited from the following industries that have a presence in Jersey: 

  • oil, gas and electricity suppliers 
  • domestic scale renewable technology companies
  • utility scale renewable technology companies 
  • energy consultants 

Future members will be invited to join by the Chair. Members may also approach the group directly to join. New members will be reviewed by the membership at the next meeting. Members will vote on whether they agree for the new member to join the group. The decision will be recorded within the minutes and the organisation will be contacted directly with the decision. 

A maximum of 12 members will be permitted to join the group at any single time.  

Jersey Energy Partnership

The Jersey Energy Partnership was disbanded by the Ministerial Decision in 2023. The Jersey Energy Partnership monitored and reviewed energy plans as agreed by the States Assembly. It was made up of a Ministerial energy executive and a multi-stakeholder energy forum.   

The energy executive group monitored actions outlined in the energy plan and involved Ministers from:

  • environment
  • economic development
  • infrastructure
  • social security 

The multi-stakeholder energy forum included representatives from the energy industry, businesses and the third sector. It provided the opportunity for key stakeholders to input on the progress of Pathway 2050, raise areas of concern and identify changing or future priorities.   

To access archived minutes from the disbanded Jersey Energy Partnership email 

Energy Suppliers Group meeting minutes

Minutes of recent ​meetings will be shared on an ongoing basis below. 

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