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Feedback to consultation on statement from the Assistant Minister for External Relations, Connétable Richard Buchanan: Guidance for consumers and their providers of credit and related services during the Covid-19 crisis

DepartmentEmployment, Social Security and Housing
Start date09/06/2020
End date30/06/2020
Type of consultationOther
Deadline for comments30/06/2020
Responses publish date03/08/2020

About the consultation

On 10 June 2020 Government consulted on guidance on reasonable conduct in the consumer credit sector in the context of financial hardship caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Government is grateful to those who took the time to respond to this consultation, following which a number of amendments have been made. 

The final guidance is relevant to consumers who have or are considering borrowing, as well as the providers of credit and related services during Covid-19. This includes:

  • lending to consumers
  • loan brokerage or referral
  • debt counselling
  • debt collection 

The guidance, from Connétable Richard Buchanan, Assistant Minister for External Relations with responsibility for financial services, outlines appropriate steps that businesses and their customers should take when people are facing financial difficulty. 

Feedback to consultation on statement from the Assistant Minister for External Relations, Connétable Richard Buchanan: Guidance for consumers and their providers of credit and related services during the Covid-19 crisis

Guidance for consumers and their providers of credit and related services during the COVID-19 crisis

How to submit comments to the consultation

​This consultation is now closed

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