Disability Strategy Update 2020
Produced by the
Employment, Social Security and Housing
Authored by
The Disability Strategy Implementation Group
and published on
16 Feb 2021
Prepared internally, no external cost
The annual report provides a timely reminder of how difficult the year has been while trying to support the five main priorities of the disability strategy; namely that disabled Islanders have:
- support to communicate and access information
- greater access to the Island
- good health and wellbeing
- access to education, employment, and enriching activities
- equal rights and experience equality
The report shows how delivery of the disability strategy is supported by an Implementation Group which consists of disabled Islanders, voluntary and community organisations, and officers from the Government along with the impact and subsequent delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The report also provides insight in to an agreed ‘new’ way of implementation, building on existing partnerships while working in line with the Government Plan.
The report is available in both standard version and large print format. If you have difficulty accessing this document, you can contact Customer and Local Services on +44 (0) 1534 444444 or
customerservices@gov.je to arrange a phone call or face-to-face appointment to discuss the contents of the report.
Disability Strategy Update 2020
Disability Strategy Update 2020 (large print version)