Jersey Mortality Statistics 2021
Produced by the
Public Health (Health and Care Jersey)
Authored by
Public Health Intelligence
and published on
22 Sep 2022
Prepared internally, no external cost
The report details the numbers of deaths occurring in calendar year 2021, and their distribution by age, sex, and cause of death. Age-standardised mortality rates (ASMRs) have been calculated to enable comparisons across time and between jurisdictions. Information on the data sources and processing are given in the notes section of this report.
In 2021
- There were 820 Jersey residents recorded as having died, comprising 410 deaths of males and 410 deaths of females; this was the 4th Highest number of recorded deaths since 2000
- The crude mortality rate was 7.9 deaths per 1,000 population
- The age-standardised mortality rate (ASMR) for Jersey was significantly lower than the overall ASMR for England
- The average (mean) age at death for Jersey residents was 79 years; an increase of 12 years since 1960 (67 years)
- Neoplasms (Cancers) and diseases of the circulatory system have remained the leading two causes of death since 2007, in 2020 they accounted for 58% of all deaths
- Deaths where COVID-19 was recorded as the underlying cause of death accounted for 4% of all deaths in Jersey, and 12% of all deaths in England and Wales
- the proportion of deaths attributed to Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease was 10% in 2021, similar to the proportion recorded in 2020
- There were 140 deaths of individuals of working age (aged 16-64 years), of whom around three-fifths (57%) were male
- Around a third (33%) of all deaths were of people below 75 years of age