Jersey Health Profile 2022
Produced by the
Public Health (Health and Care Jersey)
Authored by
Public Health Intelligence
and published on
09 Feb 2023
Prepared internally, no external cost
The Jersey Health Profile combines data and knowledge from various available sources on health and wellbeing for the population of Jersey. Indicators are presented for both adults and children, and several chapters have been broadened since the profiles' last iteration in 2016.
The profile, which covers data up to 2021 (or 2022 where possible), provides a position statement for Islanders about various aspects of our population's health, which can be monitored for changes over time.
The profile also provides comparisons between Jersey and other jurisdictions and a comprehensive insight into the general health status, health inequalities and health care needs at the population level.
Topics include:
- Demography
- Fertility
- Child Health
- Self-Perceived Health and Life Expectancy
- Mortality
- Morbidity
- Mental Health
- Sexual Health
- Disease Prevention and Early Detection
- Lifestyle
- Wider Determinants of Health
- COVID-19