16 May 2017

All 14 of Jersey’s bathing waters met new stricter European standards for bathing water quality last year.
In 2016, twelve or 86 per cent of the fourteen bathing waters assessed achieved the highest classification of excellent, and the remaining two or 14 per cent achieved good. No Jersey bathing water was classed as poor.
The tests are carried out between May and September each year by the Department of the Environment. Officers sample bathing water from around the Island’s beaches, in accordance with strict European standards.
The twelve beaches that achieved excellent status were:
• Havre des Pas
• Green Island
• Grouville
• Archirondel
• Grève de Lecq
• Plémont
• Watersplash
• Le Braye
• Beauport
• St Brelade
• Portelet
• Victoria Pool
The two beaches that achieved good status were:
• Bouley Bay
• La Haule
The Minister for the Environment, Deputy Steve Luce, said “A new, more rigorous approach to assessing bathing water quality was introduced last year and I’m pleased to see that this year’s results are even better than 2015. Cleaner bathing water is very important for Islanders and visitors, but it’s also an indication that we’re on the right track in terms of protecting our valuable marine and coastal environment.
I believe these figures are a positive reflection of the ongoing work of my department through the water plan, and our partners in the Action for Cleaner Water group to raise awareness of the causes of water pollution and to take specific action to reduce it. ”