19 December 2018

With 100 days to Brexit, the Government of Jersey are today announcing plans for a series of public events to engage residents and businesses in the preparations that are underway for the UK’s exit from the European Union.
‘Ready for Brexit’ #ReadyBrex week will start on 14 January 2019, when a series of events will be held to support businesses and share plans with the public. This will include the publication of a readiness toolkit for businesses, workshops for traders, and a live demonstration of the Jersey-EU Settlement Scheme application process to show EU nationals living on the island how they will be able to register. A full schedule of events, which will culminate with the Minister for External Relations appearing before the Brexit Scrutiny Panel, will be released next week.
The Minister for External Relations, Senator Ian Gorst, said: “We are continuing to prepare on the basis of a ‘no deal’, as we have done since the UK Referendum in 2016.
“Last week the UK government announced that they would be letting UK residents know how to prepare for a ‘no deal’ scenario. We want to make sure that the Jersey public and businesses are fully aware of our own preparations, and are taking into account what impact Brexit may have on them. This week will be an opportunity for islanders to understand and prepare for Brexit day and beyond.”
The Government of Jersey is working alongside various partners to organise “Ready for Brexit” week including Jersey Business, Jersey Finance, the Jersey Chamber of Commerce, the Jersey Hospitality Association, Visit Jersey, Locate Jersey and Jersey Overseas Aid.
Deputy Kirsten Morel, Chair of the Brexit Review Panel, said: "With both the UK and EU accelerating their preparations for a ‘no deal’ Brexit, I'm pleased to see the government letting islanders know about the work it has and will be doing to prepare the island and its businesses for a ‘no deal’ scenario.
"The Brexit Review Panel is in regular contact with the External Relations department and other areas of government, ensuring that their preparations are comprehensive and proportionate.
To date, we are satisfied that the government has been diligent and focused in its work but are aware that the pace of preparations will have to increase over the coming months as the reality of the UK's departure from the EU becomes clearer."
The full schedule of ‘Ready for Brexit’ events will be on gov.je and released to the media but anyone wishing to register their interest in advance can email letstalkbrexit@gov.je.