13 November 2019

The Minister for Education, Senator Tracey Vallois, has thanked all parishes for their ongoing support of the various youth clubs and projects across the Island.
All 12 parishes work with the Jersey Youth Service to foster links between youth workers, young people and the parish community, as well as provide investment for activities, facilities and roles.
Formal partnerships between the Government and parishes began 23 years ago when the Parish of St Peter pledged to support 50 per cent of a youth worker’s salary, with the then Education Committee funding the other half. Connétable Len Norman, former Chairperson of the Education Committee, signed the first parish partnership and, under the leadership of the late Senator Mike Vibert, more parishes followed suit. Now all 12 parishes work with the Youth Service to invest in their local youth club and children and young people of their parish. Every Education Minister since Senator Vibert has supported the parish partnerships, with Senator Vallois signing the most recent agreement between Trinity and St Martin.
The news comes in the same week that St Ouen’s Parish has reopened its popular skate ramp after paying for it to be refurbished.
Senator Vallois said: “I would like to thank all parishes for supporting our youth service to develop and enhance its provision for young people. These partnerships mean that there is a formal commitment to work together to share resources and expertise in order to provide a rich, comprehensive and coordinated network of provision to ensure young people have access to a broad range of opportunities.”
Principal Youth Officer Mark Capern said: “The Youth Service values the relationships we have with the 12 Connétables and other parish officials. While the money each parish invests in local young people is important, the link with the parish gives young people a strong sense of belonging within their community and gives them access to somewhere to go, something to do and someone to talk to.
“We are also lucky to recruit local parents to become volunteers or support young people who were youth club members but want to become volunteers or even paid members of staff who wish to work in their parish community.”