15 March 2019

Islanders are being invited to see the plans for the new public space which is to be created as part of the activities to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Liberation Day in 2020.
The plans for the new space, which will be created by joining Liberation Square and Weighbridge Place, are going on show in the Ouless Room at Jersey Museum between 12pm - 2pm and 4pm – 6pm on Tuesday 19 March.
Islanders will be able to see the plans and to give their comments on them. The development will involve extinguishing the Esplanade link road that separates the two area. The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, said that there had already been considerable discussion with the stakeholders most affected by the closure of the link road.
“My officers have consulted with the major businesses in the area, who are largely happy with what is proposed, and there will be a further opportunity for businesses to give their views at a separate event for them next Tuesday,” Deputy Lewis said. “We also want the public to give their thoughts before the proposals are submitted for planning permission, and I hope that people will come along. We will also put the proposals online after the event.”
“We are working to a tight deadline in order to have the new space completed for 9 May 2020, and shortly we will be seeking the planning permission we need. Before then, however, we want the public to see the plans and to give their views.
“This is not a discussion about the events, art installations and other uses for the area, both in 2020 and in the years that follow; this is solely about creating a high-quality public space which will, I’m sure, become an important and central part of island life.”
Anyone who can't attend, can see the proposals and offer comments by taking a public survey.