29 January 2019

A scheme has been launched to improve safety for mobility scooter users and other road users, by helping those with a mobility scooter to use their vehicle safely.
The Mobility Scooter Scheme will enable users to access help and advice on the most suitable scooter for them to buy, and how they should drive it on Jersey’s pavements, roads and pedestrian areas.
Dave Malpas, Transport Planner, said: “Our island retailers work hard to make sure that customers choose a mobility scooter that suits them, but we’ve noticed that users aren’t always sure where to get help once they’ve bought theirs. The new scheme will ensure that they’re given help and advice both before they buy and afterwards.”
A leaflet and DVD have been produced about choosing and using mobility scooters, and approved retailers will give advice before and after the scooter is purchased to make sure that their customer is confident in using their scooter safely. Shopmobility will also give guidance about choosing and using a mobility scooter to anyone who would like assistance, or who requires more support than retailers can provide.
The leaflet and DVD will also be available:
The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, said: “We’re preparing for islanders living longer by giving them access to the information they need to be able to most effectively use mobility scooters.
“While only a small number of accidents in recent years have involved them, mobility scooters are expected to grow in number as our population’s average age increases, and the risk that they pose to all road users is therefore likely to increase. This scheme seeks to address that issue, and I welcome its introduction.”
The scheme has been developed by Growth, Housing and Environment with support from Occupational Therapy, EYECAN, Shopmobility, the States of Jersey Police, Headway and dDeaf Partnership Board.