03 September 2021

More than 2,000 secondary students have registered for the free Lateral Flow Tests ahead of starting school next week.
The online portal on the Government of Jersey website opened yesterday morning and thousands registered in the first day.
As of this morning, figures show that 3,041 have registered and 78% (2,368) are secondary students. A total of 58 test results have been uploaded online and are all negative.
All secondary school students and educational staff, working with children and young people, are being offered free COVID-19 Lateral Flow Tests for home use.
The self-testing kits contain 25 Lateral Flow Tests for students to use twice a week at home, for the next 12 weeks, and are voluntary.
The Lateral Flow Tests have been distributed to a number of Parish Halls and some secondary schools are offering collection on Monday 6 September, when schools will be open to staff for their training days. Schools have contacted parents directly with details of collection times from their individual schools.
Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Scott Wickenden, said: "We have had a fantastic response to the voluntary Lateral Flow Tests for secondary school students and all education staff since registration opened yesterday morning.
"Thank you to all who have registered so far and all the staff in the Parish Halls who are helping to distribute the self-testing kits to students before they return to school next week."
Dr Ivan Muscat, Deputy Medical Director of Health said: "Attending school is extremely important for children and young people. Precautions have been introduced in schools, nurseries and colleges, to reduce the risk of transmission in children and young people to promote continued attendance.
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have worked hard throughout the summer preparing for students and staff to return to school and especially those who have registered for the Lateral Flow Testing from home programme.
"I would urge all those who have yet to register to claim their free self-testing kits online and collect ahead of starting school next week."
Secondary students and staff who work in an education setting can register for their Lateral Flow Test at www.gov.je/covidsafe."