10 September 2021

A report on how much greenhouse gas the Island emitted in 2019 has been published. It shows that between 1990 and 2019, Jersey's total greenhouse gas emissions reduced by over a third (36%).
The large amount of complex data needed to calculate greenhouse gas emissions, and a detailed international auditing process, means the data is reported two years in arrears. The data can be found here on gov.je
The report shows that in 2019 Jersey emitted 403,360 tonnes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which is equivalent to 3.8 tonnes per person. Transport remains Jersey's largest emissions sector, totaling 44% of the Island's total greenhouse gas emissions.
The report will help inform the Carbon Neutral Roadmap which will set out the policies needed to get Jersey to carbon neutrality. The Carbon Neutral Roadmap will be published for public consultation at the end of 2021 and follows the recent Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change and the States Assembly's "in committee" debate.
The Minister for Environment, Deputy John Young, said: "This latest data on Jersey's greenhouse gas emissions shows that the Island is continuing to move in the right direction year-on-year.
"There is though, clearly, a major task ahead for the Island to reach carbon neutrality. In 2019 the States Assembly declared a climate emergency, and work is advancing on the Carbon Neutral Roadmap which we will be publishing for consultation later this year. It will show how we can further tackle emissions."
More information about what is included in Jersey's greenhouse gas emissions inventory and how Jersey's emissions are calculated is available in the new online user guide.
Infrastructure Minister, Deputy Kevin Lewis, said: "The new dataset shows that between 1990 and 2019, emissions in the transport sector have decreased by 11 percent. The department's ongoing work to support a reduction in reliance on petrol and diesel vehicles across the Island is a major part of Jersey's response to the climate emergency.
"In the last few months alone, as part of our Sustainable Transport Policy programme of work, we've created a more joined up cycle network in town, added the new crossing at Pont Marquet where the road crosses the Railway Walk, and opened the new bus lane to reduce journey times for some passengers."