06 October 2022

Students deciding their next steps for employment or education, and Islanders considering
a career change are encouraged to attend the Jersey Skills Show next week.
Following the success of last year’s hybrid event, which included an in-person event and
virtual talks, the Jersey Skills Show is back with a full week of events between Monday 10
to Friday 14 October.
All Islanders are welcome to drop into the networking event at Fort Regent on Friday, 14
October, between 3pm to 5pm.
What’s happening during the week?
Employers will be visiting several secondary schools over the course of the week to host
careers sessions giving students an insight into their sector. Students will also spend time
on the Jersey Skills Show website, supported by digital sponsors PwC, to take part in
various activities and watch videos from industries.
The website is designed as a career guide for Islanders to research business pages, with
information from different industry sectors. The website features videos including behind
the scenes tours and insights into various jobs. The website also includes CV and interview
tips along with downloadable career resources.
The week ends with the Jersey Skills Show event at Fort Regent, on Friday 14 October,
where students and Islanders will be able to chat with over 20 different exhibitors and
employers about career advice and educational routes available on Island.
Exhibitors include:
- Jersey Dairy
- Durrell
- Best Start
- Jersey Construction Council
- Digital Jersey
- Highlands College & UCJ
- Jersey Finance
- PwC
- Hair & Beauty - Highlands College
- Jersey Hospitality Association
- Brilliance - Jersey's Jewellery Industry
- Institute of Law
• Jacksons Group
- SandpiperCI
- Jersey Sport
- Ports of Jersey
- Inspiring the Future
- Jersey Public Service
- Justice and Home Affairs
- Social Care
- Infrastructure, Housing and Environment - Regulation
- Infrastructure, Housing and Environment - Engineering
- Teaching
- Treasury and Exchequer
- Nursing
The Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Gardiner, said: “The annual Jersey Skills
Show is an excellent opportunity for students, young people, and Islanders to network with
local employers and learn about various career opportunities in Jersey.
“Schools have lots scheduled for the week, including talks from local employers and
activities on the Jersey Skills Show website. Students will also be going along to the
networking event at Fort Regent, and I encourage young people and parents, as well as
Islanders who are considering a career change to join.”
Acting Head of Skills Jersey, Stuart Penn, said: “I am delighted that the Jersey Skills Show
will be returning with an in-person networking event for both schools and the general
public on Friday 14 October at Fort Regent. All Islanders are welcome to come along
between 3pm and 5pm to have a chat with different employers about various career
opportunities available locally.
"Over the week, lots of new resources including CV guidance, interview tips, and behind
the scenes industry tours, will be uploaded onto the Skills Show website and I encourage
young people, parents and Islanders seeking some guidance to check it out.”