10 February 2023

The Superintendent Registrar has published her annual statement for 2022, which provides insights
into key life events of Islanders including births, deaths, marriages, and civil partnerships.
The most popular baby name for boys was Arthur for the second consecutive year with Willow
being the most popular name for girls. Aria and Florence entered the top ten most popular baby
names for girls for the first time in 2022 and Luca, Theodore, Frederick, Finn and Albert were new
arrivals for boys.
Last year saw the number of marriages remain at broadly the same level as 2021 with 439 taking
place. The number of babies born in 2022 was 835 which is the lowest level recorded since the
1970s. The number of deaths registered in Jersey in 2022 was at its highest since 1995 at 874.
Superintendent Registrar comment
Superintendent Registrar, Claire Follain, said: "This latest report gives us insight to key life events
across our Island and provides us with an interesting indication of social and lifestyle trends and
changes in Jersey which are very much in line with the other Chanell Islands and the United