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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Register or renew an International Services Entity (ISE)

​​​​​​​​Registering or renewing an International Services Entity (ISE)

​​​You can only register or renew an ISE in the year that the application is for. ​

Only complete the ISE application if you are an entity eligible for listing as an International Services Entity under Article 60 of the Goods and Services Tax (Jersey) Law 2007.  

Register or renew an ISE on the TOOS website

ISE registration fees​

Fee payable

The fee you pay to register or renew an International Services Entity (ISE) will depend on how your company is registered with the Jersey Financial Services Commission and the number of entities you administer.

The relevant fees are detailed in the ISE regulations.

​Entity type
​Fee (£)
​Trust company business affiliation leader

+ per vehicle

​Trust company business participating member

+ per vehicle

​Trust company business participating member (fee not paid by affiliation leader)

+ per vehicle

​Banking business
​Collective Investment Fund
​Managed manager
​Managed manager (other)
​AIF services business
​Fund services business (non managed entity)
​Fund services business (managed entity)
​Fund services business and manager
​Body corporate
​AIF or Collective Investment Fund (not affiliated)
​Anstalt, Stiftung or Foundation

Renewing your registration

​If you wish to renew your ISE registration, you must submit your application at the start of each calendar year. A new end user relief certificate (EURC) will be sent to you for that calendar year and you should notify your suppliers, and send them a copy of your EURC if requested.

Deadline for submission of your registration

New applications can be submitted at any time, but approval and the registration fee will only apply for the rest of that calendar year. You should submit a renew​al application every January using the online application form.

​Paying the fee

For bank details or to pay online see the pay GST and ISE fees webpage.

Deadline for fees

The deadline for the payment of the annual renewal fee is 31 March each year. You can't renew your registration if you have fees outstanding for previous years.

ISEs seeking an initial registration after 31 March must pay their fee within 14 days of the date of application approval.

​How to complete the ISE application form

​Details of the person or entity​

The approval year is pre-set and can't be changed. This is the current approval year. You must submit your application within the year of approval from 1 January to 31 March for your ISE status to cover the full year. You can't submit your application in advance of 1 January in the year of approval.

Make sure you enter all the required fields:

  • name of person or entity
  • income tax reference
  • ​tax identification number (TIN)
  • business address including postcode
  • contact name
  • contact number
  • email address

When you have entered these details you will be asked for the name, tax reference and TIN of each entity. This may be the same as the previous​ details.

​​ISE classifications

The correct classification is selected by choosing the option relevant to the entity. 

In a Trust Company Business, you would select the 'Financial Services Business - in respect of a Trust Company Business'.

You need to select if the entity is part of an affiliation. If you select 'no' you must declare the number of vehicles the entity administers. If the entity administers no vehicles, enter 0, you can't leave the field blank.

If the entity is part of an affiliation, you will be asked if the entity is an affiliation leader. You must then enter the number of vehicles you administer.​

Select the banking business licence option for banking businesses.

If the entity has a licence or permit to provide services to funds, including Alternative Investment funds, but not just as a permit as a fund, you need to answer the question if the entity has permission as a managed manager (CIF law) or managed entity (FS law).

If yes is selected as a managed manager or managed entity you need to answer the question about the entity holding a licence as an administrator, custodian or registrar.

If the entity does not fit into any of these licence classifications, select 'none of the above'. This will also clear any answers you have previously entered. The form won't let you categorise an entity as a licence classification as well as 'none of the above'.

The 'none of the above' selection is only for body corporates, partnerships, trustees, unaffiliated AIFs and CIFs, Anstalts, Stiftungs or foundations.

If an entity has multiple licence classifications, each of the following can be selected:

  • Fund services business - in respect of trust company business
  • Banking business licence
  • Licence to permit to provide services to funds, including AIFs, but not just a permit as a fund 

​Adding the entity

Once you have selected all the relevant answers, select 'add to list'. You will not be able to submit the form until you have added at least one entity to the list.

Summary and deleting your selections

​After you have selected 'add to list' a summary box will appear, showing the fee for each entity. If you are requesting ISE approval for more than one entity, you need to repeat the process and select 'add to list' for each entity.

If this is the only entity you are registering, or you're renewing an ISE, you can complete the declaration and select submit.

If you have made a mistake, selecting the scissor icon in the summary will delete the entry.

​Submitting your ISE application

Once you have submitted your ISE application, an email will be sent to the address entered in the first section of the form. This will include a PDF copy of your submission and confirmation of the total fee for all the entities. This PDF is for your information only and can't be used as an End User Relief Certificate (EURC). The EURC will be posted to the address we hold on our records once the registration has been processed.

​When you complete the online application form, the ISE registration for the parent company can include all underlying companies, and therefore you will only need one ISE registration and number.​​

​​​Pay the ISE fee

You can find the payment options and account ​detail​s to pay the ISE fees on the pay GST and ISE fees page.​​

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