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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Renting a room in your home

​Income from renting rooms in your own home is taxable. Examples include income from:

  • lodgers
  • foreign language students
  • holiday makers
  • paying guests

Rent-a-room relief

From 2023, a new income tax exemption is available for those letting out a room in their home using a 'rent-a-room' arrangement.​

To qualify as a rent-a-room arrangement:

  • the total gross income must not exceed £10,000
  • the room must not be rented to a family member
  • the room must be in your main residence, and cannot be a self-contained unit
  • the lodger must be over 18, or placed in the room by an appropriate organisation if they are under 18

In these circumstances, taxpayers can receive up to £10,000 per year tax free.

In any other circumstances, the flat rate deduction is available.

Flat rate deduction

Declare the total income you've received on your personal tax return and we'll give you a flat rate deduction in your income tax assessment as follows:

​Sleeping only
​Meals supplied
​25% deduction
​50% deduction

This flat rate deduction applies to small scale activities. It doesn't apply to registered guest houses.

Concessions and practice: lodgers and paying guests

Filling out your tax return

Complete the section if you're not claiming the rent-a-room relief. Enter the total you received before any deductions and then tell us if meals were supplied (full board) by ticking the box. 

Revenue Jersey will give you an autom​atic deduction from the income of 25% and a 50% deduction if you also provide meals.    

Renting a room in your home: tax form help 

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