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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Singing Teacher

5 years residency required
JCG Foundation
Closing date
31 January 2025
The Jersey College for Girls Foundation is seeking a Singing Teacher to join our growing team of peripatetic tutors within our Polyphony Department. This role is term-time only and perfect for an individual wanting to teach a variety of different singing styles (Classical, Pop, Rock, Musical Theatre) across both JCP (Years 3 to 6) and JCG (Years 7 to 13). The total number of hours of service to be provided will be agreed with the JCG Foundation on a termly basis, depending on student demand. The ideal candidate will be passionate and dedicated and previous experience as a singing teacher, or in a similar role, is preferable. With several dedicated music spaces across both JCG and JCP, there is flexibility for the successful candidate to choose their preferred day. If the candidate has a second instrument, there may also be further scope to expand their hours here
Core skills required
  • Ability to speak and understand English
  • CV Required
  • Keyboard Skills
How to apply
  • Email
Contact name
Emily de Gruchy
Phone no.
01534 607923
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