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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Jersey Marine Spatial Plan (MSP)

​​​​​​Objectives and outcomes

The marine environment makes up 96% of Jersey's territorial area and includes the:
  • intertidal area
  • seabed
  • sea itself
  • sea surface
  • air above it
This diverse area hosts various ecosystem services that support human activities. Those activities include fishing, conservation efforts and recreational activities. As a result, marine space has become a crowded space, and different uses of the marine environment conflict with one another.


An MSP's primary aim is to make sure we understand how people value and interact with our marine environment, which is achieved by making sure the MSP uses various evidence based factors.

The MSP process aims to find a balance between the different uses we have for our marine environment, and to make sure we interact with our local ecosystems in a sustainable manner. 


The MSP focusses on human activity and how those activities relate to the ecology of our marine environment. Gathering evidence of this relationship allows us to determine how sensitive our marine environment is to the various ways humans interact with it.

This was assessed at a habitat level to demonstrate the importance of biodiversity and the ecosystems that are affected by human interaction. 

The outcome of the MSP process is to make sure our marine environment is better protected and enjoyed for generations to come.

MSP consultation

Public participation and involvement from the outset of this project was fundamental in shaping the content for the MSP.

The public consultation phase ran from 24 October 2023 to 28 January 2024 and the comments received were used to shape the post consultation version of the ​​​MSP (and map), alongside a consultation summary report and a Business Impact Assessment on the mobile fishing fleet. 

The MSP will​ go through a 12 week Scrutiny review process.

MSP Priorities and Actions Plan

MSP Poster Map

MSP Public Consultation Response​

MSP Business Impact Assessment of the proposed Marine Protected Area network on the mobile gear fishing fleet​​​


Jersey Marine Spatial Plan: ​Legislation and Policy Review ​

Ecosystem service assessment of Jersey’s marine habitats​

An Outline of the Ecology and Sensitivity of Marine Habitats in Jersey​

Sensitive species and associated habitat for management consideration​

Maritime Activity Assessmen​t Report ​ ​​

Marine Protected Area Asse​ssment Methodology

The MSP structure

The final MSP will include:

  • a policy map showing the extent of zones and the locations where specific policies apply
  • a policy document which details the physical characteristics and current uses of the marine environment, along with policies for its future management
  • an evidence base which supports the policies described in the policy map and policy document

This will include an online interactive atlas showing the spatial extent of habitats and the areas used for different human activities identified through existing datasets and the stakeholder engagement process. 

All documents will be made available at the end of the process through the Jersey MSP Portal. 

Printed versions of the policy map and policy document will also be available. 


Work is already underway on gathering information for the evidence base and we anticipate that the Jersey MSP will be produced to the following timetable:

​January to February 2023
​Evidence base compilation and review
​February to March 2023
​Stakeholder consultation workshops and suggestions window
​April to July 2023
Writing draft MSP document and developing draft map​
​August 2023
Consultation draft published​
​24 October 2023 to 28 January 2024
​Consultation process
​January to March 2024
​Edits following consultation
​June​ 2024
​Final documents issued
​June to August 2024
​Scrutiny process
​Jers​ey MSP Portal launched

How you can get involved

MSP consultation

Public participation and involvement from the outset of this project was fundamental in shaping the content for the MSP.

The public consultation phase ran from 24 October 2023 to 28 January 2024. The comments received will be used to shape the second draft of the plan and a consultation response document will be published in the coming months.​

​The team

To achieve this plan, consultants have been brought on board who have experience working with the specific needs of island life. This has been demonstrated by their policy making and their work on the Island Plan.

Government of Jersey Marine Resources have commissioned Fiona Fyfe Associates to prepare the MSP. Government of Jersey are providing much of the evidence base and will be closely involved with the project. Their team includes specialists in marine planning, marine biology and mapping.

Fiona Fyfe and her team know Jersey's landscapes and seascapes well through previous projects, such as the recent Integrated Landscape and Seascape Character Assessment, which is in regular use by several Government of Jersey departments.

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