Health and Community Services staff May 2023 vacancies (FOI)Health and Community Services staff May 2023 vacancies (FOI)
Produced by the Freedom of Information officeAuthored by Government of Jersey and published on
28 June 2023.Prepared internally, no external costs.
Please can you send me an updated version of the following Freedom of Information response, as of 1 May 2023.
Health and Community Services vacancies (FOI)
Health and Community Services (HCS) currently has 480 whole time equivalent (WTE) vacancies across a budgeted establishment of 2709 WTE, giving a vacancy rate of 17%.
Vacancies by HCS department are listed below:
Department / Care Group | Vacancies (WTE) |
Chief Nurse | 15 |
Director General's Office | 3 |
Estates and Hard Facilities | 8 |
Improvement and Innovation | 6 |
Medical Director | 21 |
Medical Services | 82 |
Mental Health | 121 |
Non-Clinical Support Services | 30 |
Primary Care and Therapies | 26 |
Social Care | 34 |
Surgical Services | 94 |
Women's and Children's | 40