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Government of

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KS1 and KS2 attainment of all primary school pupils (FOI)

KS1 and KS2 attainment of all primary school pupils (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 17 December 2024.
Prepared internally, no external costs.


I am looking for information on Jersey primary school pupils' attainment, with a focus on those in receipt of the Jersey Premium. I have looked online and am unable to find what I need. I would like to know:

Attainment (2018 - 2024)

- KS1 and KS2 attainment of all GOJ primary school pupils, by school (and parish), each year, over the last six academic years, starting in 2018/19 in reading, writing, maths, and combined (% reaching age related expectations or Island-equivalent measure)

- Attainment of all GOJ primary school pupils eligible for Jersey premium at KS1 and KS2, by school (and parish), each year, over the last six academic years starting in 2018/19 in reading, writing, maths, and combined (% reaching age related expectations)

Question 2/4​


The age-related expectation for KS1 and KS2 is Developing or above.

The data has been provided for all mainstream Government of Jersey Primary Schools.

KS1 Attainment FOI Response.pdf

KS2 Attainment FOI Response.pdf

KS1 Jersey Premium FOI Response.pdf

KS2 Jersey Premium FOI Response.pdf

No KS1 Teacher assessment data was collected in 2019/2020.

The Teacher assessment data collected in 2019/2020 for KS2 was not moderated and should not be used in comparison with other academic years.

Developing or above measure for Jersey Premium Government of Jersey school pupils includes all pupils in receipt of Jersey Premium funding.

Statistical disclosure controls have been applied to these datasets, where cohorts (either meeting or not meeting the developing or above measure) are fewer than 5. The Department have determined that to provide the figures fewer than 5 would likely breach the privacy of individuals therefore disclosure control has been applied under Article 25 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) 2011 Law.

Articles Applied

Article 25 - Personal information

(1) Information is absolutely exempt information if it constitutes personal data of which the applicant is the data subject as defined in the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018.

(2) Information is absolutely exempt information if –

(a) it constitutes personal data of which the applicant is not the data subject as defined in the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018; and

(b) its supply to a member of the public would contravene any of the data protection principles, as defined in that Law.​

Internal Review Request

Good evening

It is with regret that I must request an internal review of the information provided under this FOI request.

My original request stated:

I am looking for information on Jersey primary school pupils' attainment, with a focus on those in receipt of the Jersey Premium. I have looked online and am unable to find what I need. I would like to know:

Attainment (2018 - 2024)

- KS1 and KS2 attainment of all GOJ primary school pupils, by school (and parish), each year, over the last six academic years, starting in 2018/19 in reading, writing, maths, and combined (% reaching age related expectations or Island-equivalent measure)

- Attainment of all GOJ primary school pupils eligible for Jersey premium at KS1 and KS2, by school (and parish), each year, over the last six academic years starting in 2018/19 in reading, writing, maths, and combined (% reaching age related expectations)

In the response letter (attached) it states:

"The age-related expectation for KS1 and KS2 is Developing or above. The data has been provided for all mainstream Government of Jersey Primary Schools."

This is patently untrue as there are significant data gaps in all four data sets provided so that I do not have the results of "all mainstream GOJ primary schools". This is neither acknowledged nor explained.

I would also query some of the results which suggest that in some schools 100% of pupils achieved developing or above, including 100% of their JP pupils - this is an extraordinary result and seems highly unlikely. For example both St Martin's and St Mary's report 100% in all of reading, writing, and maths at KS2 in 2022/23.

I would be grateful for this data to be reviewed and the full and correct data set provided as requested.

Internal Review Response

This internal review was issued to two officials of appropriate seniority who had not been involved in the original decision. As part of their review, they were expected to understand the reasons behind the original response, impartially determine whether the response should be revised, and how so, considering the request and the information held, any relevant exemptions, or other relevant matters under the Law.

The panel reviewed the raw data alongside the original response and are satisfied that disclosure controls have been applied appropriately.

As per the original response, disclosure controls have been applied to the dataset to protect personally identifiable information (numbers fewer than 5). By way of example, this means that in any cohort, if one child did not meet the expected level, then we cannot share the attainment % for that cohort as that could identify the child who did not meet the expected level.

This was noted in the original response and complies with the law.

Statistical disclosure controls have been applied to these datasets, where cohorts (either meeting or not meeting the developing or above measure) are fewer than 5. The Department have determined that to provide the figures fewer than 5 would likely breach the privacy of individuals therefore disclosure control has been applied under Article 25 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) 2011 Law.

In relation to the second query about high attainment levels for Jersey Premium pupils in particular schools. The panel were satisfied that the information shared in the original response accurately reflects the records held by schools and would highlight that there is an element of moderation that accompanies the process of teacher assessment.

Both parties were satisfied that the internal review response as provided is correct.

Therefore, the original response has been upheld.

Should the applicant wish to meet with a member of the panel direct to understand their request and objectives then this can be arranged.

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