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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

TETRA radios used by the Ambulance Service (FOI)

TETRA radios used by the Ambulance Service (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 15 January 2025.
Prepared internally, no external costs.


I am requesting information regarding the handheld TETRA radios recently procured for use by the the Ambulance Service. 

Please kindly provide the following details:

1. Total cost incurred for the purchase of the new handheld TETRA radios.

2. The number of handheld radios purchased as part of this procurement.

3. How many of these radios are currently functioning as expected?

4. The specific make and model of the handheld TETRA radios that have been purchased.


1 and 2

This information is considered to be commercially sensitive and therefore Article 33(b) of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 has been applied. 


The radios are not online at present as programming is yet to be completed and therefore Article 3 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 applies.


Make and model: SC2020: 380-430MHz, TEA2, GPS enabled. Bluetooth/WiFi capable, Class 3 RF capable.

Articles Applied

Article 3 - Meaning of “information held by a public authority”

For the purposes of this Law, information is held by a public authority if –

(a)     it is held by the authority, otherwise than on behalf of another person; or

(b)     it is held by another person on behalf of the authority.

Article 33 is a qualified exemption and as such, a public interest and prejudice test has been conducted as required by law. 

Article 33 - Commercial interests

Information is qualified exempt information if –

(a) it constitutes a trade secret; or

(b) its disclosure would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of a person (including the scheduled public authority holding the information).

Public Interest Test

Article 33 is a qualified exemption and as such, a public interest and prejudice test has been conducted as required by law. 

When responding to requests of this nature, the Government of Jersey (“the Government”) has to balance the public interest with the impact that disclosing this information would or would be likely to have upon the organisation and / or third parties. 

Whilst it may be in the public interest of openness and transparency to understand the purchase costs incurred, protecting the commercial interests of the Government is an essential component in controlling public finances, which in itself is in the public interest. As the Government are going out for invitations to tender in the near future, this information is likely to prejudice the commercial interests of the Government and / or the provider, as this will likely jeopardise any negotiations. 

When considering the application of this exemption, it has been determined that whilst it is in the public interest to disclose information, this is outweighed by the necessity to limit any impact on the commercial interests of the Government. 

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