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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

PFAS used in pesticides in Jersey (FOI)

PFAS used in pesticides in Jersey (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 21 January 2025.
Prepared internally, no external costs.



Please can you tell me if there are any pesticides used in Jersey which have PFAS in them?

The most likely may be a PFAS called TFA , but this request would like to know about all pesticides containing PFAS. 


If we are using pesticides that contain PFAS, how are we preventing this PFAS from getting into the water ways?


I believe we test for 48 kinds of PFAS - is TFA specifically tested for?


Are there any PFAS in our pesticides that aren't currently tested for?

I write having just read this article:

Here is a non exhaustive list of places TFA can be found:

1. Flufenacet

Brand Names: Cadou, Herold, Aspect, Pontos

2. Flutolanil

Brand Names: Moncut, Previcur Flex.

3. Fluazinam

Brand Names: Shirlan, Omega, Secure

4. Fluopyram

Brand Names: Luna Sensation, Luna Privilege, Propulse

5. Trifloxystrobin

Brand Names: Flint, Nativo, Stratego

6. Azoxystrobin

Brand Names: Amistar, Quadris, Mirador



The Government of Jersey’s records show that four pesticides containing PFAS are imported into Jersey.

As per table below:



The Government of Jersey encourages and uses several approaches to prevent any pesticide including those containing TFA from getting into the water ways by;

1. Eliminating – if use is necessary, use a pesticide product that poses least risk i.e. doesn’t leach into groundwaters and is not persistent (breaks down rapidly).

2. Using the lowest dose possible.

3. Adherence to the label instruction of the pesticides 

4. Promoting a code to ensure that only certain pesticides are used in certain water catchments. 

5. Monitoring of imports of pesticides into Jersey

6. Assessing and ratification by the Action for Cleaner water Group of all major products used  

7. Undertaking audits of pesticide merchants 

8. Using low-volume precision pesticide spraying equipment. 

9. Ensuring all spraying equipment is serviced and calibrated.

10. Ensuring weather conditions are suitable to reduce spray-drift and / or runoff caused by rainfall.

11. Ensuring all spray operators are fully trained and qualified.

12. Complying with restrictions on spraying next to watercourses (buffer strips).

13. Monitoring of surface and ground waters and reservoirs.

14. Promote an amnesty for revoked, out of date or pesticides no longer needed are disposed of properly.


The Pesticide Action Network defines TFA as “trifluoroacetic acid.”. This is a breakdown metabolite. Accordingly, the analysis suites/compounds used by Government of Jersey does not include the 76-05-1 / trifluoroacetic acid.


The Government of Jersey does not hold any information relating to PFAS in our pesticides that aren't currently tested for, therefore Article 3 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 applies.

Article Applied

Article 3 Meaning of “information held by a public authority”

For the purposes of this Law, information is held by a public authority if –

(a)     it is held by the authority, otherwise than on behalf of another person; or

(b)     it is held by another person on behalf of the authority.

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