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Travel email correspondence (FOI)

Travel email correspondence (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by States of Jersey and published on 27 September 2016.



Email correspondence between Senator Philip Ozouf and Senator Ian Gorst (using their accounts) between the following dates: Thursday 25 February and Monday 29 February inclusive.

Key words: South Africa, golf, Cape Town, flights, JEP and leak.


Email correspondence between Senator Philip Ozouf and Senator Lyndham Farnham (using their accounts) between the following dates: Thursday 25 February and Monday 29 February inclusive.

Key words: South Africa, golf, Cape Town, flights, JEP and leak


Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information requests.

Download Email correspondence - Senators Gorst, Ozouf and Farnham 20161004 (size 67.5kb) 

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