Revaluation of rateable quarters of property in Jersey
Produced by the
Treasury and Exchequer
Authored by
Rates Working Group
and published on
17 Jun 2020
Prepared internally, no external cost
The Rates Working Group (“RWG”) was established by the Government of Jersey in order to consider the full range of issues associated with revaluing property in Jersey for rates purposes.
Under the terms of reference (“TOR”) the RWG was required to prepare a report setting out its finding and recommendations for the Minister for Treasury and Resources (“the Minister”) and the Comité des Connétables (“the Comité”) and then to seek political direction in relation to the introduction of Regulations for the revaluation of land in Jersey.
The report recommended that there should not be a revaluation of property in Jersey. This was on the basis that the monetary adjustment for the majority of ratepayers would be small but the cost of carrying out a revaluation could be high.
Having given careful consideration to the report by the RWG the Minister and the Comité agreed to accept it and accept their recommendation that there should not be a revaluation of property in Jersey for rates purposes.
However the Minister also noted the finding of the RWG that the effect created by the historic link between rental values and rateable values may need to be addressed in any future work on Jersey’s property rates regime.
For the sake of transparency the minority report by the dissenting member of the RWG is also published here.
Rates Working Group report
Minority report