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L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Jersey Sport Limited: Grant for 2018

A formal published “Ministerial Decision” is required as a record of the decision of a Minister (or an Assistant Minister where they have delegated authority) as they exercise their responsibilities and powers.

Ministers are elected by the States Assembly and have legal responsibilities and powers as “corporation sole” under the States of Jersey Law 2005 by virtue of their office and in their areas of responsibility, including entering into agreements, and under any legislation conferring on them powers.

An accurate record of “Ministerial Decisions” is vital to effective governance, including:

  • demonstrating that good governance, and clear lines of accountability and authority, are in place around decisions-making – including the reasons and basis on which a decision is made, and the action required to implement a decision

  • providing a record of decisions and actions that will be available for examination by States Members, and Panels and Committees of the States Assembly; the public, organisations, and the media; and as a historical record and point of reference for the conduct of public affairs

Ministers are individually accountable to the States Assembly, including for the actions of the departments and agencies which discharge their responsibilities.

The Freedom of Information Law (Jersey) Law 2011 is used as a guide when determining what information is be published. While there is a presumption toward publication to support of transparency and accountability, detailed information may not be published if, for example, it would constitute a breach of data protection, or disclosure would prejudice commercial interest.

A decision made 5 January 2018:

Decision Reference: MD-E-2018-0001

Decision Summary Title :

Jersey Sport Annual Grant 2018

Date of Decision Summary:

4th January 2018

Decision Summary Author:


Deputy Chief Executive

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:



Written Report

Title :

Jersey Sport Annual Business Plan 2018

Date of Written Report:

4th January 2018

Written Report Author:

Deputy Chief Executive

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?




Jersey Sport Annual Grant 2018


The Minister approved an Annual Grant of £1,150,000 to Jersey Sport Limited to fund the cost of delivering its 2018 business plan objectives.

Reason(s) for Decision:

Jersey Sport was established in order to be the voice of sport in the Island and to deliver a programme of sports development, physical literacy, exercise referral and schools swimming as a means of encouraging Islanders to lead more active lives. 

The approval of the Annual Grant provides Jersey Sport with sufficient funds to deliver its core programme for the organisation and begin efforts to secure additional income through sponsorship, philanthropy or charitable giving by the end of 2018 in order to enable it to deliver an extended programme of physical activity.

Resource Implications:

The 2018 Annual Grant of £1,150,000 is funded from the Department’s 2018 budget.

Action required:

Officers are instructed to prepare and agree a Grant Agreement with Jersey Sport for the 2018 Annual Grant

Signature: Senator L J Farnham


Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture

Date Signed:

Date of Decision (If different from Date Signed)


Jersey Sport Limited: Grant for 2018




Business Plan – 2018



1st January 2018 – 31st December 2018


Catriona McAllister, Chief Executive Officer

Contact - (07797) 754917

Summary of Business Case

Section one of the business plan will provide a summary update on the performance of Jersey Sport since its creation on 16 June 2017. 


Section two outlines the key objectives Jersey Sport will deliver in 2018 against the outcomes contained in the partnership agreement. 


Section three provides a detailed breakdown of the anticipated expenditure and income Jersey Sport will incur in the execution of its business in 2018.











Summary Review - 2017


Section 1

Fit for the future

Strategic focus


The partnership agreement between States of Jersey (SOJ) and Jersey Sport outlines four key areas of focus which were outlined in the Fit for The Future Strategy.  This provided the overarching strategic direction for Jersey Sport both pre and post its inception on 16 June 2017.


Jersey Sport has continued the excellent work carried out previously by the Sports Development Department and for ease of reference listed below are the four strategic focus areas.


  • Organisation:  New Sports body, better coordination, stronger voice.
  • Getting Active, Stay Active:  School sport, a healthy life, community impact.
  • Spaces & Places:  States facilities, clubs & club houses, future plans.
  • Personal Bests:  Sports Development, aiming high, sports events and tourism.


Jersey Sport will continue to operate under the Fit for the Future priorities above for at least the first half of 2018, after which it is targeting having a new long-term strategy for sport and physical activity in place which will set out a clear direction for achieving the objective of inspiring an active Jersey.


The development of the strategy will be a key priority in 2018.


The establishment of Jersey sport



The establishment of Jersey sport finally happened on 16 June 2017 and while this was not without its initial hiccups and delays, the actual transition of the staff from States of Jersey to Jersey Sport went very well, and staff feel settled and established in the new organisation.


The team was supported by the CEO and the General Manager during this process to ensure that they understood the requirements of their new roles, felt part of the organisation and to ensure that any issues were dealt with swiftly.


In addition to the staffing elements of the creation, a wide range of policies, procedures, and systems have been implemented.

Establishing these has been a priority of the organisation to ensure clear and robust governance systems are in place. The following outlines the systems and procedures that have been developed;


  • Office 365 established as the company IT system.
  • TT Payroll and HR electronic system implemented.
  • Xero online accountancy package implemented.
  • EQ online banking system implemented.
  • Gladstone plus2 stand-alone software implementation is underway and will be introduced by the end of 2017 making us independent from all SOJ systems.
  • iMPACT health and physical activity monitoring software implementation is underway and will be in place by the end of January 2018.
  • Terms of reference for the board are established and in place.
  • A complete review undertaken of all operational health and safety with the health and safety policy for the company now adopted.
  • Financial processes established with clear authorisation procedures and limits in place.
  • Insurance cover established for the organisation.
  • Staff contracts and handbook in place.
  • Website and social media streams in place.
  • Brand for the company established and launched.


The first three months of operation have concentrated on ensuring that the corporate governance of the company was in place.  This has taken up considerable time but was undoubtedly something that had to take priority in the business.


Delivering against strategic priorities

The six priorities


The partnership agreement details six key strategic priorities that Jersey Sport is required to adopt and deliver against.  Without question, Jersey Sport has benefited from the momentum created by the Sports Development Team. This has allowed the organisation to have a seamless transition across the various delivery programmes operated.  The sections below will outline how Jersey Sport has delivered against each of the priorities to date.


Priority 1


Schools Programme











Physical Activity Matrix







Curriculum for physical literacy




Physical Literacy - Jersey should strive to be a world leader in physical literacy.


  1. Jersey Sport continues to deliver across primary schools both assessing our young people’s physical competencies and delivering a programme designed at ensuring our young people enhance basic foundation movement skills which they require for a lifelong relationship with physical activity.


This programme provided fantastic data that allows us to understand the extent of inactivity in our young people. Importantly it would enable us to identify a new strategy and the intervention programmes required to try and reverse the worrying trend of childhood obesity.


  1. Jersey Sport in partnership with the Jersey Sports Foundation will be taking part in the global physical activity matrix which is now in its third phase. This global assessment of young people's physical competencies will provide invaluable baseline data from which we can measure the impact of intervention programmes both present and future.


It also allows Jersey to compare the physical literacy of its young people with other jurisdictions of a similar nature.


  1. While in its very infancy Jersey Sport, Jersey Sports Foundation and Mount Valley University in Canada have had some early stage discussions about the possibility of developing a curriculum for physical literacy. This would, of course, be developed in partnership with educational colleagues as the possibility becomes more of a reality.


Implementing a set curriculum for physical literacy on the Island would without question establish Jersey as a world leader in tackling physical inactivity in its childhood population. This concept is pioneering and to the best of our knowledge is not currently done anywhere. This would see physical literacy embedded into the curriculum and taught in an age-appropriate progression with the same importance placed on it as the development of our young people's numeracy and literacy.


It is likely that the establishment of a curriculum for physical literacy will feature as a long-term strategic priority in the new strategy for sport and physical activity that Jersey Sport will establish in the coming year.


Priority 2


Fit for the future – build on the existing success and plan for the next phase.


As highlighted throughout this document Jersey Sport is already thinking actively about the development of a new strategy to take up the mantle from Fit for the Future.  KKP, sport and leisure consultants have been engaged to undertake some initial consultation which will be crucial in underpinning the development of the new strategy. As mentioned above we are working towards a target of having a new plan created by late spring 2018 and implemented somewhere around summer 2018.


Meantime Jersey Sport continues to focus on the four key areas highlighted within Fit for the Future and is providing support to the States of Jersey which is currently carrying out a strategic review of sports facilities and service delivery on the Island.


Jersey Sport also continues to deliver a broad range of programmes including the school swimming programme, after-school programmes, school holiday programmes and GP referral programmes. 


Jersey Sport is currently reviewing its programme areas with a view to expanding the range of sport and activity offered.  The main additions will be the expansion of the GP referral programme to include a self-referral option to try and tackle inactivity before it becomes a chronic medical issue.   There will also be the implementation of an adult activity programme which coordinates and promotes the full range of opportunities available on the Island for adults to get and stay active.


Priority 3


Business Management of Sport - The Partner will build a holistic approach towards the business side of sport, inclusive of assisting Clubs, Associations and organisations to become more ‘commercial.'


Regarding progress against this priority, Jersey Sport has primarily concentrated on building relationships with clubs and associations and making sure that they are aware of the role and support that Jersey Sport can provide to them. This has involved the CEO undertaking many hours’ worth of meetings getting out and about meeting key people. 


Jersey Sport is in the process of setting up a grants and fundraising committee which will look specifically at the area of business development within a sport. The early observations by Jersey Sport would be that before we support clubs and associations to be more commercial, we must have tackled the governance of clubs and associations to ensure they are constitutionally sound and demonstrate best practice in governance. Achieving this priority is going to require a long-term systematic approach which seeks to support and strengthen the structures operating within clubs and associations ensuring that they have strong enough foundations to take on a more businesslike approach to areas such as fundraising.


Priority 4


Advocacy - The Partner will provide a strong, independent, collective voice for the sector. 


Jersey Sport has made significant progress towards becoming recognised as a strong independent voice for sport and physical activity. Significant work was undertaken to create a website which can be a single point of reference for sport and physical activity on the Island and while there remain still at least two phases of development to be undertaken, what has been achieved in such a short space of time is highly significant.


Jersey Sport has established a strong presence across all social media platforms and regularly uses its social feeds, news and events section of the website to advocate and promote sporting activity and opportunities in the Island. Jersey Sport is also providing leadership for generic issues affecting sporting organisations such as Inter-Island travel issues. 


The CEO has regularly undertaken interviews and broadcasts designed to promote the purpose of Jersey Sport and the benefits of participating in sport and physical activity. It is now recognised by the media that Jersey Sport is the agency to approach should they require comment on sport and physical activity.  These appearances by the CEO have been significant in the placement of Jersey Sport as a strong voice for sport in the Island.


Priority 5


Sport’s Interaction with Government - Influence policy and decision-making regarding the future of Sport in the Island.


Jersey Sport has developed relationships with the principal government departments such as health, education and economic development, sport, tourism, and culture.  The CEO has also developed a working relationship with the Minister and Assistant Minister who have responsibility for sport.


The CEO has contributed and is a member of the working party undertaking the consultation into the future of sports facilities on Jersey. This will be a key strategic document and will undoubtedly influence the decision-making around key facilities such as Fort Regent. 


The CEO is working closely with the public health policy department and Martin Knight to look at how Jersey Sport can help to support health intervention initiatives.


At the request of the Assistant Minister for Sport, the CEO is developing a leaders and decision-makers policy event in early 2018. This event is specifically designed to raise awareness of the major issues leaders and ministers will face if the issue of inactivity is allowed to go unchecked.  This is a direct example of how Jersey Sport is influencing the setting of policy and decision-making around sport and physical activity in the Island.


The CEO is also involved in discussions with Visit Jersey and Events Jersey about sports tourism, sports events and the impact they can have on the Island.

         Priority 6 


Facilities - Influence the provision and management of sports facilities.


As mentioned above the CEO is actively involved in the consultation process and creation of a strategy for sports facilities on the Island.  There are many issues around facilities which are directly impacting the ability of sport to grow and prosper on the Island, and this includes the quality, range and cost of facilities.  These are all issues that the CEO will raise during the consultation process.




There are many obligations placed upon Jersey Sport throughout the partnership agreement particularly in the obligation section and in schedule three. 


Jersey Sport is meeting these requirements and will continue to review its business to ensure we remain compliant against expectations of the partnership agreement.


Annual Schedule Key Priorities 2017



The partnership agreement laid out some specific priorities for 2017 and these are highlighted below alongside an update of progress made:

Appoint CEO and staff       




Transition of existing team




Build on current partnerships with Sport


Significant progress has been made in this area with the CEO spending considerable time getting to know the key sports and organisations.  The CEO has also built strong relationships with Jersey Sports Foundation, the Advisory Council, and the Sports Council.  The CEO has also supported the Island Games Association and Commonwealth Games Association and will continue to work closely with them to support the excellent work done by the volunteers. 

Government departments


As detailed above under priority five, the CEO has built relationships with the key government departments. There is still more work to be done in this area, but generally, people are now aware that Jersey Sport is available to assist them in matters relating to sport and physical activity.

 Schedule 3


Jersey Sport is compliant with the contents of schedule three of the partnership agreement.  Appendix two provides detail of the processes put in place against each point of the schedule.


Key Priorities for 2018


Section 2




The groundwork establishing Jersey Sport as a strong voice for sport and physical activity on the Island is firmly laid, and as the organisation moves into 2018, it is important that a clear vision for sport and physical activity in the Island is established.


This section will outline the priorities for Jersey Sport in 2018 and provide a detailed breakdown of how the States of Jersey grant of £1.15 million will be spent to achieve the stated priorities.


Given that Jersey Sport has only been operating at the time of writing this business case for just over three months, the priority headings in 2018 will remain broadly like those set out for 2017.


Appendix one provides an illustration of the outcomes delivered and the resources required to do so in each phase of development undertaken by Jersey Sport during its evolution.  The appendix also outlines the areas of potential growth for Jersey Sport. 


Priority 1



Delivery review

















Global physical activity metrics





Curriculum for physical literacy



Data Management







Sports Development Officers


Physical Literacy - Jersey should strive to be a world leader in physical literacy.


  1. There is a need to review how the programme will be delivered moving forward. There is currently a limited resource within Jersey Sport to deliver physical literacy sessions in schools. This resource is not sufficient to provide across all primary schools. It is therefore important to look at how the support which is available can be used to maximum impact.


The data collected over the last few years has shown that some schools mainly in and around St Helier, demonstrate the lowest levels of physical competency.  The programme will, therefore, be reviewed to look at deploying resource into the schools that need it most. This would be combined with the training and development programme for all primary school teachers to support them to deliver structured physical literacy sessions to their classes. This would ensure that we can deliver physical literacy across all schools and give special support to those most in need.


The annual testing of all year four pupils would still be done across all primary schools.


  1. Prepare and submit the Jersey application into this worldwide measure of physical competency in children.  This will provide meaningful baseline data that will be required to underpin strategy development.


  1. In partnership with the Jersey Sports Foundation and Mount Valley University Canada build on early discussions to look at the feasibility of introducing a curriculum for physical literacy in Jersey primary schools.


  1. Physical literacy programme in schools generates a large amount of valuable data regarding the physical competencies of primary school children and the inequalities that exist across geographical areas of the Island.  It is extremely important that this data is being used to inform policy and potentially make a case for the introduction of a curriculum for physical literacy. It is, therefore, a priority of Jersey Sport to look at this data and report it in a way that can be used for this purpose.


  1. The funding of development officers is something that has been in place for some time. However little governance or reporting is in place to allow Jersey Sport to measure the impact that the investment of £110,000 is having.  Jersey Sport will introduce a service level agreement which outlines the governance requirements as well as the reporting requirements that must be in place before Jersey Sport will invest £15,000 per development officer.


Priority 2



Replacement strategy










Business as usual








Fit for the future – build on the existing success and plan for the next phase.


  1. Arguably the biggest priority for Jersey Sport in 2018 is the development of a sport and active living strategy to take over the mantle from Fit for the Future. Jersey Sport will aim to carry out a consultation on the strategy in late 2017/early 2018 to have a new strategy in place for summer 2018.


This strategy will be a long-term document and will be designed to fit into the States of Jersey 2035 Strategy. It is without question that sport and active living can contribute massively towards the 2035 strategy and it is therefore imperative that the strategy brought forward for Jersey Sport shows its various touch points into this document.



  1. It is likely that for at least the first six months of 2018 Jersey Sport will still operate under the key headings set out in Fit for the Future. Jersey Sport will, therefore, continue to provide the following programmess which support people to get active and support strong governance and sports organisations.


  • Club Mark programme
  • After school and school holiday children’s activity programmes
  • Active referral GP programme
  • School swimming programme
  • Physical literacy schools programme


  1. As well as continuing the programmes above, Jersey Sport intends to review each of these during late 2017/early 2018 in order to expand these programmes and introduce new programmes such as an active adult programmes.


Priority 3




Travel grants






Governance of associations



Business Management of Sport - The Partner will build a holistic approach towards the business side of sport, inclusive of assisting Clubs, Associations and organisations to become more ‘commercial.'


  1. Jersey Sport will take over the administration of travel grants from January 2018. Jersey Sport has employed a consultant to revamp the processes and governance around this scheme.


  1. Jersey Sport will establish a fundraising sub-committee to look at linking business and sport together. Jersey Sport will look at areas of its own business and sport to identify areas that may be attractive for corporate sponsorship.


  1. Jersey Sport will review the governance arrangements in place across sports associations in the Island.  This will be done as part of the application process for travel grants as it is essential that Jersey Sport ensures the associations receiving monies are fit for purpose.



Priority 4







Marketing and communications











Advocacy - The Partner will provide a strong, independent, collective voice for the sector. 


  1. Jersey Sport will continue to invest in its website to ensure that there is a single reference point for information on sport and physical activity on the Island. The website will be developed to be a resource for all those thinking about trying sport, already playing sport or administering sport.


  1. Jersey Sport will ensure that its Marketing and Communications Officer is a resource for all sports clubs and organisations on the Island. This role is about raising the profile of sport and promoting the vast array of opportunities to be active on the Island.


Jersey Sport through this role will identify success stories from across sport and use our website and the local media to continually tell the story of the benefits of sport and physical activity.


  1. Jersey Sport will develop and collate a range of meaningful data and performance indicators in the areas of sport and physical literacy. This data will be used to continually monitor the performance of Jersey in these areas against other nations and most importantly measure the progress made in tackling inactivity as the new strategy is implemented.


Priority 5















SOJ budget planning process









Sport’s Interaction with Government - Influence policy and decision-making regarding the future of Sport in the Island.


  1. Jersey Sport will continue to be an active voice continually bringing into focus the benefits of sport and physical activity. Jersey Sport will interact regularly with government departments to ensure that sport and physical activity is continually considered by health, education, infrastructure and community development.


  1. Jersey Sport will advocate strongly that there should be a single policy for sport and physical activity which should follow on from the creation of a long-term strategy which integrates with Jersey 2035. The ticking timebomb of inactivity is undoubtedly one of the biggest social problems of modern times.  As such it is critical that Jersey Sport provides the glue across government departments, agencies and the third sector to ensure that focus is turned to intervention and prevention.


  1. Following the general election in 2018, it is critical that Jersey Sport plays a critical role in influencing decision-makers around the spend allocation for inactivity interventions and ensuring that sport and physical activity is adequately resourced to take on the task of addressing the inactivity of our Island. This will require Jersey Sport to advocate for policy change and – importantly - integration of policy to ensure States members and department leaders are aware that the solution to inactivity it is a collective issue, which will require a concerted effort and investment to turn the tide.


  1. Jersey Sport will use the data discussed above to inform the decision-making around policy and budgets and to persuade decision-makers that investment in reactive health treatments while essential must be delivered in parallel with well-funded, research-driven, inactivity interventions.


          Priority 6


Sports facility strategy


Facilities - Influence the provision and management of sports facilities.


  1. The CEO will continue to provide support to the development of a sports facility strategy which will provide invaluable information on identifying what the investment strategy needs to be in order to meet the demands of sport and physical activity space in both the short and long-term.


  1. Jersey Sport will have an advocacy role supporting SOJ officers in making the case to fund the investment required to give the Island a stock of sports facilities which meet the demands of the Island community.


  1. Jersey Sport will support facility staff as required around the possibility of having to relocate sports from Fort Regent.


  1. Jersey Sport will support sports and associations in bringing forward any concerns they may have regarding the range, standard or pricing of sports facilities.

Operating Budget


Section 3


Budget Overview


The detailed operational budget listed below is primarily based on the budget which was detailed in the Sport Report.


Jersey Sport will require grant funding of £1.15 million for 2018.


Most of the £1.15 million grant provided is spent on the staffing required to run the business of Jersey Sport with around £940,000 being spent on staff costs around £750,000 of which is directly associated with delivering sport and activity programmes to children and adults.


The budget below for 2018 gives a breakdown of the expenditure and income and provides detail on how the SOJ grant money will be spent against each of the areas.


Jersey Sport Budget




Staff Costs - Direct



 £                      613,671


 £                        60,244

Social Security

 £                        39,159


 £                      713,074



Staff Costs - Variable


Sessional staff salary

 £                      106,120

Sessional staff holiday

 £                          4,245

Sessional staff social security

 £                          6,898

Development Officers (inc JSF)

 £                      110,000


 £                      227,263



Total Employment Costs

 £                      940,337



Programme Costs


Uniforms - Clothing

 £                          5,000

Sports Equipment

 £                          5,000


 £                                 -  

Health and Safety

 £                          1,000


 £                          4,000

Facility Hire

 £                        30,000

Transport (inc Swimming)

 £                        35,000

Club and Volunteer Development

 £                        20,000


 £                          1,500


 £                      101,500



Central Costs


External Consulting


£                        10,000


£                          5,000

IT inc Plus2

£                        21,215


£                        10,000


£                          2,000

Office Costs 

£                        30,000


£                        15,000


£                        10,000


£                        35,000


£                          2,000

Legal, Audit and Professional

£                        10,000


£                          5,000


£                          5,354

Strategy and Research

£                          5,000


£                        10,000


£                          5,000


£                          1,000

Bank/CC Costs

£                          3,000


£                          2,000

Office and Furniture Spend

£                                 -  


£                              500

Total Central Costs

£                      187,069



Total Expenditure

 £                  1,228,906




Training Income


Active Referral


Active Children


Active Adult


Sponsorship/Ext Funding




SOJ Grant

-£ 1,150,000

Total Income

-£ 1,228,906


Jersey Sport Summary

Full Year




 £          1,228,906



Total Cost








Appendix One


Jersey Sport Outcomes and Resources




Jan - Jun 17


Jun-Dec 17



Growth Potential







  1. Shadow Board
  2. Transition manager
  3. EDCTC
  4. KKP
  1. Shadow Board
  2. KKP
  3. Transition Manager
  4. Transition Budget
  5. EDSTC
  1. JS Board and Staff
  2. Remaining proportion of £1.15m grant
  1. JS Board and Staff
  2. £1.15m grant
  1. Additional resources required






  1. Shadow Board
  2. Established
  3. Stakeholder consultation Sports Report
  4. Agreement to form JS
  5. Consultation with staff
  1. Recruitment of key roles
  2. Transfer of staff
  3. Website and Brand
  4. SOJ Approval
  5. Programme Delivery
  6. Formation of Company
  7. Banking and IT


  1. Staff established in roles
  2. Programme delivery
  3. Website and social media growth
  4. CEO implemented with stakeholders
  5. JS strong voice
  6. Role understood by stakeholders
  7. Key relationships established
  8. Board created and expanded.
  9. Financial processes
  10. IT Systems
  11. Health and Safety processes
  12. SLA for development officers established
  13. Support development of sports facilities strategy


  1. Programmes reviewed and improved
  2. Phase two of website
  3. Plus2 and iMPACT introduced
  4. Strategy developed and implemented
  5. Subcommittees established
  6. Travel grants took over and governance created
  7. Support outcomes of sports facilities strategy
  8. Development of marketing plan
  9. Development of baseline data
  10. Office move
  11. Support SOJ budget planning for sport
  1. Management of Le Tournoi Event
  2. Allocation of sports lottery funding and potentially dormant bank account funding
  3. Support the development of a sports event strategy
  4. Best practice guide to governance for sports associations and clubs
  5. Relocation of skate park
  6. Develop physical activity health intervention proposals
  7. Organisation of policy conference.


Schedule 3:  Partner’s Corporate Governance


Corporate Governance - Please complete the following as fully as possible and where a control is not in place please add a comment. 



Internal Controls



Do you have documented policies and procedures with regard to financial controls


We have a financial regulations policy which was approved by the board.  This has been implemented with staff.

Do you have regular financial and objective performance reporting – if so – who to


We produce management accounts and balance sheet monthly and these are reviewed by the accountant and the board.  The CEO also regularly checks actual against budget on our accounting system.

Do you review your internal controls every 6 months to ensure that they are appropriate


The CEO does review them regularly and makes updates immediately where something changes.

Managing Risk



Do you maintain a list of the risks that could prevent your objectives being met


Risk Register has been created and reviewed regularly.  Board have approved this.

Do you mitigate the risks in order to prevent or minimise likelihood or outcome – if so - how


Actions and mitigations are clearly stated in the risk register and regularly reviewed and implemented.

Do you currently borrow money



Do you have a whistle blowing policy in place, is it understood by all staff and board members


This is in place and implemented with staff.

An Effective Board



Does each board member understand their duties and have a statement defining them


Directors now have letters of appointment and each have specific roles on sub committees as well as understanding their general role on board.

Does each board member give adequate time to their duties


The board have been fantastic to date and give time above and beyond what may be expected.

Does your board include someone with recent and relevant financial management experience


Mark Wanless has been appointed to the board and is a chartered accountant and taken on the role as chair of audit and risk.

Is there an annual statement of internal control (that outlines the control processes and their management processes)


This is not yet in place but will be put to the January board.

Does every Board member declare personal conflicts or interests


This has been done informally but will be formal from 7.12.17.

Does the Board meet at least quarterly


The board has been meeting every four weeks but will move to 8 weekly from January.

Does the Board receive well prepared, concise, timely papers that include recommendations for decision making purposes


A whole pack of papers is prepared and sent to the board in advance of every meeting.

Does the Board have the appropriate mix of skills to deliver its objectives


The skills of the board are very well balanced and cover all key areas of business.

Does the Board have a formal process for evaluating the performance of its executive


The CEO has had a probation period which was successful and a performance review has been carried out and will happen every 6 months.

Does the Board formally review its own performance at least annually


This will happen at the end of the first year formally but informally the chair is very good at monotiling key issues and making sure the board evaluates its self

Does the Board review its terms of reference annually


This is done annually and will be build into the corporate calendar.

Does the Board have guidelines regarding receiving gifts or hospitality


A clear policy is in the Partner Staff Handbook

Does the Board have a formal process for setting remunerations and expense allowances


This is in the financial regulations and staff handbook.

Business Plan



Does the Organisation formally approve an annual business plan



Does it contain a statement of aims



Does it contain terms of reference


No this is done separately

Does it contain measurable outputs / success criteria


It does to a certain extent but SOJ and CEO need to define this more clearly and this will be done ASAP.

Are the outputs costed and timetabled


Budget breakdown included and indications of timeframe is given.

Is progress assessed against the business plan at least quarterly


The first quarterly performance report will go the board on 7.12.17.





Appendix Two


Financial Controls - Please complete the following as fully as possible and where a control is not in place please add a comment





Do you have a list of persons who are approved to make payments and the amounts they are allowed to spend


This is detailed in the financial regulations and amounts defined.

Do you raise formal orders for all purchases over £100, which are signed by two persons


The process is detailed in the financial regulations.  Orders will be placed on PO by staff member ordering and then this is approved by CEO or general manager.  This is an electronic process. 

Do you have authorised signatories within your organisation


Detailed in financial regulations.

Do you have at least two signatures to approve every payment


Director or CEO can sign payments up to £10,000 on their own.  Two required above this to maximum of £65K.

Do you keep invoices for all purchases for at least 6 years


All held electronically for at least 6 years.

Do you have qualified finance people within your organisation


Mark Wanless and Marc Couriard

Do you have a detailed budget for the current year


Detailed budget always in place.

Is your annual budget allocated to monthly spend


Budget is phased in months.

Do you report on actual v budget at least quarterly



Are cheques signed in advance as blank cheques



Are cheque books stubs retained for 6 years



Do you have a maximum limit for cash purchases, if so what is it


No cash purchases

Do you have a fixed asset register


This will be in place by 31st December.  Items bought since or creation are on Xero the accounts system.  Just need to add equipment inherited. 

Do you perform a quarterly stock take


No stock held

Cash Transactions are high risk and should be discouraged.  Do you seek to reduce cash transactions


We are phasing this out in early part of next year where we can by moving to online bookings.

If you receive income by post do two people open the mail


This is not feasible.  No cash received.

Is the receipt date and name of payee for all incoming funds recorded and verified by two persons


This is not feasible.  No cash received.




Do you bank cash with 3 days of receipt


Weekly.  Do not handle large amounts of cach.

Do you rotate income receipting staff every quarter



If you sell tickets – are they pre numbered and reconciliations made of income to tickets


Not applicable

Is a record kept of who holds and distributes which tickets


Not applicable

Is cash kept in a secure environment


Kept in safe.

Is income banked gross – i.e. without petty cash deductions


No petty cash used at all.

Does the finance Board member undertake random spot checks on cash records against bank paying in slips; paying in slips against bank statements (for date and amount) Bank payments to invoices


Marc Couriard company accountant and CEO oversee this.

Do you have a policy detailing your cash and banking procedures – have all staff and board members seen it


Staff yes.




Do you pay salaries



Are your salary payments made with cash



Do you have an expenses policy






Do you prepare accounts every year



Are the accounts prepared by a qualified accountant



Are the accounts audited by qualified persons (not necessarily an audit firm)








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