24 July 2019

The Council of Ministers has today published an initial report on tackling the climate emergency in Jersey. The report, which has been developed in the ten weeks since the climate emergency was declared, builds on the Government Plan and gives more information about how Ministers intend to address climate change.
The report sets out the principles, agreed by the Council of Ministers, that will frame the development of a carbon neutral strategy by the end of this year. It also provides information on Jersey’s climate context and the proposed Climate Emergency.
A full carbon neutral strategy, building upon the initial report, will be lodged in the States Assembly in December.
The Minister for the Environment, Deputy John Young, said: “This initial report acknowledges islanders’ strong feelings about climate change, and begins to set out how we will tackle the climate emergency.
“While Jersey’s contribution to worldwide emissions is small, we have a unique opportunity to show global leadership, and to help chart the course towards a more sustainable future. At this stage, the Government Plan proposes a new Climate Emergency Fund to dedicate resource to ensure we can tackle the climate emergency with energy and pace”
The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, said: “The report makes clear where Jersey’s carbon emissions come from, and we will have to see ambitious policies brought forward in these areas. The report makes clear where Jersey’s carbon emissions come from, and we will have to see ambitious policies brought forward in these areas. I welcome the creation of the Climate Emergency Fund as it will allow Infrastructure to implement the active travel and sustainable transport initiatives that I have been so keen to progress, both for the benefit of Islanders and to reduce the impact on the environment.”