26 October 2022

The Minister for Children and Education has announced that student finance maintenance grants
will increase by a total 10.1% this academic year, to keep up with the cost of living.
All students
who are studying off-Island - and those who are living independently while studying on-Island -
will receive a one-off payment in December.
This targeted financial assistance follows discussion at a meeting the Minister organised in
September, with members of the Jersey Student Loan Support Group and the Children, Education
and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel.
The continued impact of cost of living was made clear and it was
agreed that options for an additional increase in 2022 was required, specifically for off-Island
students and independent on-Island students who are impacted the most.
The Island’s Student Finance system supports roughly 1500 students every year through means
tested, non-repayable grants. Dependant students with parents earning up to £90,000 per year
have their fees plus a level of maintenance paid.
Dependant students with parents earning up to
£199,999 per year receive support with tuition costs.
Student maintenance grants already increased by 2.9% at the beginning of the academic year, after
the previous Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Scott Wickenden, approved the
Education (Grants and Allowances) (amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Order 2022.
The latest payment adds an additional 7.2% to student maintenance compared to the last
academic year, which brings the total increase between 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 to 10.1%, in line
with the August UK Consumer Prices Index.
To enact this latest increase, the Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Inna Gardiner, is
expected to sign an Order in early November: this will ensure payments can be made to students
before the year end.
Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Inna Gardiner said: “I am pleased to be able to
announce this additional payment now, ahead of signing the order. While officers continue to
finalise the Law Drafting to make this payment happen, I know that many students and their
families are concerned about the increase in cost of living and will want reassurance now.
“We provide maintenance grants to support the cost of going to university so that students,
including those from lower-income families, receive assistance with costs of further study.
“University life has changed hugely in the last 10 years: in 2012, fees increased to an average of just
over £9,000: there is more competition for courses, an increased focus on employability and – now
– increases in living costs.
“This means it is only fair that our Student Finance system responds to these changes, starting with
this increase. As outlined in the Ministerial Plan, I will be making further amendments to the Higher
Education Order to increase grants for off-Island students, and tailor awards depending on where
the student is studying.
“I am grateful for the support of the Council of Ministers, the Chief Minister and the Minister for
Treasury and Resources in delivering this targeted and prompt measure this year.”
For more information contact student finance via telephone (01534) 449450 or via email