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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Children and the Digital World consultation privacy notice

About this consultation privacy notice

This privacy notice tells you what we do with your personal information collected during the Children and the Digital World consultation.

It's our job to tell you what information we collect about you and how:

  • we will collect it
  • we will use it
  • long we will keep it for

The survey will take place on a secure online survey system which has been approved for use by Government. There will also be an option to complete the survey on paper.

Focus groups and a secure online community as part of the consultation. These are being delivered by a supplier that has been approved by the Government of Jersey.

Information we will collect about you

The survey will be anonymous. We will not be able to identify who has competed the survey and there is no obligation to complete it.

Should you take part in the Children and the Digital World survey we will collect the following types of information about your age (in bracketed groups) and your gender (a prefer not to say option is included).

The survey reminds respondents to not include any personal data in the free text boxes.

Should you take part in the focus groups or the secure online community, our approved supplier will collect your contact details, your age (in bracketed groups) and your gender (a prefer not to say option is included).

Our supplier will also collect information about how you access the internet and what devices you have access to.  For adults taking part in the focus groups, our supplier will also ask you about your employment status and the age (bracketed groups) of your child/children and the name of the school that they attend.

Why we collect information about you

We need to collect and hold limited personal information about you in order to:

  • ensure children taking part in our survey have adult consent if this is required, depending on their age (under 14 years of age)

  • demonstrate any themes in the responses by age and genderc

Our supplier requires the limited personal information about you in order to:

  • arrange the focus groups and access to the secure online community
  • ensure representative sample groups
  • demonstrate any themes in the responses

How we use information about you

The infomation you share with us and our supplier will be used to produce aggregated statistics about children and young people's activity in the digital world.

We may use quotations from the information you provide, in our post consultation report.

Any attributable personal information will be redacted or anonymised before the report is published so you cannot be identified.

If you take part in our Children and the Digital World consultation we will process and hold your information in order to complete our project.

We will use the information you provide in a manner that conforms to the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018.

The personal information collected and held by our approved supplier will not be shared with us and will be destroyed after 4 weeks of the project is complete.

About us

The Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance department is registered as a 'Controller' under the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018. Our registration number is 67347.

Protecting your privacy and looking after your personal information is important to us. We work hard to make sure that we have the right policies, training and processes in place to protect our manual and electronic information systems from loss, corruption or misuse.

We will not keep your information for longer than is necessary. Ask to see our retention schedules for more detail about how long we retain your information.

We do not share or process your information overseas. We do not use web services that are hosted outside the European Economic Area.

At no time will your information be passed to organisations for marketing or sales purposes or for any commercial use without your prior express consent.


If you have an enquiry or concern regarding the States of Jersey processing your personal data you can contact the Central Data Protection Unit.

You can also complain to the Jersey Office of the Information Commissioner about the way your information is being used.

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