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Government of

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Assistant Minister welcomes Police HQ report

28 February 2013

The Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources has welcomed the Environment Scrutiny Panel’s report on the Green Street Police HQ development.
Deputy Eddie Noel said: “I would like to thank the panel for its work and welcome its challenge to the project. I am in the process of reviewing its recommendations and will provide a considered response in time for the debate of P92/2012."
The Panel has suggested that the impact on Green Street car park is greater than previously estimated by the transport assessment work undertaken and that the new building will result in a total loss of 200 spaces.
Deputy Noel continued: “It has always been made clear that 91 spaces will be displaced as a result of the development. The travel survey showed that the number of staff who intend to travel to the new HQ by car would be a maximum of 86 people and not all these will park at Green Street car park.
“I very much appreciate the fact that the Panel recognises that seeking to abandon the project at this stage will result in significant financial implications. The impact of further delay is unthinkable in meeting the critical needs of the States of Jersey Police. In addition, this is an important building project for the States of Jersey. Funding is already approved and it will provide a major stimulus for the local construction industry. This becomes even more important in a week when it has been revealed that the number of unemployed local people has exceeded 2,000.
“The Panel has identified the possibility of extending Green St Car Park as part of a broader solution. The possibility of extending the top level of the car park was examined a year ago and this was found to be technically feasible. It was, however, decided not to progress with this at the time, largely because that the additional cost would be difficult to justify when there was considerable capacity in the commuter parking system.
“However, should States Members believe that this would be a useful addition to the scheme to relieve localised pressure on Green Street car park, I would be more than happy to reconsider including this within the overall police project. Key issues of the additional cost and the impact on the construction programme would need to form an important part of this consideration.”
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