Jersey's Biodiversity Strategy
The Biodiversity Strategy published in 2000 was Jersey’s response to signing the International Convention on Biological Diversity 1992 at the Rio Earth Summit. One of the commitments from the biodiversity strategy is to produce local biodiversity action plans to achieve recovery of our most threatened species and habitats.
Each individual plan sets out the problems faced by the animal or plant and lists the practical actions and targets necessary to ensure its survival.
The total number of species in Jersey addressed by Action Plans now stands at 67. In addition the Hedgerow Habitat Action Plan tackles one of the Island's priority habitats as identified in the Biodiversity Strategy.
States of Jersey Biodiversity Strategy
Saving the Island's plant life
- Ranunculus hederaceus - ivy-leaved crowfoot
- Cyperus fuscus - brown galingale
- ivy-leaved crowfoot
- Linum bienne - pale flax
- Hypericum elodes - marsh St John’s wort
- Scutellaria minor - lesser skullcap
- Linaria vulgaris - common toadflax
- Fragaria vesca - wild strawberry
- Glaucium flavum - yellow-horned poppy
- Elatine hexandra - six-stamened waterwort
- Baldellia ranunculoides - lesser water-plantain
- Anogramma leptophylla - Jersey fern
- Asparagus officinalis prostrates - wild asparagus
- Dianthus gallicus - Jersey pink
- Drosera rotundifolia - round-leaved sundew
- Gnaphalium luteoalbum - Jersey cudweed
- Himantoglossum hircinium - lizard orchid
- Hypericum linariifolium - toadflax-leaved St John’s wort
- Rumex rupestris - shore dock
- Zostera spp - eelgrass beds
- Ranunculs paludosus Poiret - Jersey buttercup
Biodiversity action plans - plant
Saving the Island's wildlife
- Calopteryx virgo - beautiful demoiselle
- Chorthippus vegans - heath grasshopper
- Euchorthippus pulvinatus elegantulus - Jersey grasshopper
- Euroleon nostras - ant-lion
- Gryllus campestris - field cricket
- Lestes barbarus - southern emerald damselfly
- Oedipoda caerulescens - blue-winged grasshopper
Biodiversity insect action plans
- Rana dalmatina - agile frog
- Bufo bufo - European common toad
- Lacerta bilineata - green lizard
- Podarcis muralis - wall lizard
- Natrix Natrix - grass snake
- Anguis fragilis - slow-worm
- Sciurus vulgaris - red squirrel
- Chiroptera - bat species
- Mustela ermine - stoat
- Clethrionomys glareolus caesarius - Jersey bank vole
- Crocidura suaveolens and Sorex coronatus - shrews
- Emberiza cirlus - cirl bunting
- Alauda arvensis - skylark
- Saxicola torquata - stonechat
- Emberiza citronella - yellowhammer
- Sylvia undata - Dartford warbler
- Fratercula arctica - Atlantic puffin
- Branta bernicla - Brent goose
- Phalacrocorax aristotelis - European shag
- Cetorhinus maximus - basking shark
Further plans to save species and habitats
- Myosotis sicula guss - Jersey forget-me-not
- Fratercula arctica - Atlantic puffin
- Branta bernicla - Brent goose
- Haliotis tuberculata - ormer
Broad habitat
Key habitat
- Hedgerow habitat action plan
Urban habitat statement