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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Insolvency payments scheme

DepartmentEmployment, Social Security and Housing
Start date03/12/2009
End date05/02/2010
Type of consultationWhite paper
Deadline for comments05/02/2010

About the consultation

The purpose of the Insolvency Payments Scheme White Paper is to seek responses via public consultation on proposals from the Social Security Minister to introduce a statutory insolvency scheme. The scheme is intended to ensure that employees of insolvent businesses receive compensation based upon a reasonable proportion of the monies owed to them by their former employer (including unpaid wages, holiday pay, statutory notice pay, and statutory redundancy payments).

How to submit comments to the consultation

Please note that consultation responses may be made public. This means, for example, that your comments may be sent to other interested parties on request, sent to the Scrutiny Office, quoted in a published report, reported in the media, published on, or listed on a consultation summary. Please ensure that when you respond, you advise us if -
  1. You do not agree that your comments may be made public; or
  2. You agree that your comments may be made public anonymously (i.e.not attributed to you).

Download Insolvency payments scheme white paper (size: 288kb)
Download Insolvency payments scheme summary of responses (size: 137kb)

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