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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Law to protect against sex discrimination

DepartmentEmployment, Social Security and Housing
Start date17/03/2014
End date30/05/2014
Type of consultationOther
Deadline for comments30/05/2014
Responses publish date29/08/2014

About the consultation

​The Minister for Social Security has proposed to introduce regulations that would protect people in Jersey against sex discrimination. This would build on a law that has already been approved to protect people against race discrimination which will take effect in 2014.

We would like to hear your views on a number of policy issues which are outlined in this white paper. The Minister will consider any comments received before preparing law drafting instructions.

The white paper includes a survey and a summary of the sex discrimination protections in the UK, Isle of Man and Guernsey.

What we want you to comment on​

We would like to hear your views about the details of the proposal, including:

  • how to deal with the issue of discrimination and equality in pay systems
  • what characteristic(s) should be protected, eg:
    • sex
    • pregnancy and maternity
    • sexual orientation
    • gender reassignment
    • marriage and civil partnership
  • what exceptions should apply so that an act is not treated as an act of sex discrimination under the law, eg:
    • religion
    • pay during maternity leave
    • positive discrimination
    • charities and associations

Download the sex dis​cri​mination white paper (size 418​kb)​​​​​​​​​​

How to submit comments to the consultation

This consultation is now closed.

Responses to the consultation

The Minister received 152 written responses to the consultation. A summary of these responses can be​ found in the document below.​​

Download a summary of responses to the sex discrimination consultation (688kb)

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