About Future Jersey and sustainable wellbeing
The Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019 requires us to take into account the wellbeing of Islanders now and in the future. This means that when we make decisions, we must consider the impact on future generations.
Future Jersey and the Island Outcomes describe our long-term vision for Jersey.
Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019 on Jersey Law
Sustainable wellbeing
Sustainable wellbeing is about improving the community, economic and environmental wellbeing of Jersey over the long-term. We show our progress towards sustainable wellbeing using the Island Outcomes and the Future Jersey vision for our Island.
The law says that we must take into account sustainable wellbeing when we make decisions on taxes and spending.
The Island Outcomes help us describe the kind of Jersey we want to see. We measure our progress towards these outcomes using a set of indicators called the Island Outcome Indicators.
The indicators show us where:
- we are doing well
- we need to improve
The long-term vision for Jersey is set out in Future Jersey. It describes what Islanders want Jersey to be like in 2037, based on the Island Outcomes.
Future Jersey
Future Jersey is a long-term vision for our Island.
It’s based around the Island Outcomes and was developed through a consultation with Islanders combined with data on how Jersey is currently performing.
Future Jersey vision statement is:
“An Island loved for its beautiful coast and countryside, rich heritage, diverse wildlife and clean air, land and water. An Island where a sense of community really matters - a safe place to grow up and enjoy life. An Island that offers everyone the opportunity to contribute to, and share in, the success of a strong, sustainable economy.”
Future Jersey 2017 to 2037
Island Outcomes
The Island Outcomes describe the end results we want for the quality of life in Jersey. They are based on long-term results.
Island Outcome Indicators are measures that show how Jersey is progressing towards its sustainable wellbeing goals.
The outcomes are divided into 3 themes:
- community wellbeing
- economic wellbeing
- environmental wellbeing
Each of the outcomes has a set of indicators to help us measure our progress.
There are 10 outcomes:
- learn and grow. Islanders are encouraged to learn and grow at all stages of their life
- health and wellbeing. Islanders enjoy long, healthy and active lives
- safety and security. Islanders feel safe and protected at home, work and in public
- vibrant and inclusive community. Islanders enjoy living in a vibrant and inclusive community
- affordable living. Islanders and able to afford a decent standard of living
- business environment. Jersey is an attractive place to do business
- jobs and productivity growth. Islanders benefit from a strong economy and rewarding job opportunities
- built environment. Jersey’s built and historic environment is valued and enjoyed
- natural environment. Jersey’s unique natural environment is protected for future generations
- sustainable resources. Jersey’s natural resources are managed and used responsibly

Government planning and reporting
Our business planning and reporting help us explains what we’ll do over the short and medium-term and it reports back on progress.
It includes:
- the Common Strategic Policy
- the Budget (Government Plan)
- Departmental Business Plans
- the Annual Report and Accounts
- Department Annual Reports (published alongside the Annual Report and Accounts)
Government planning and reporting
The Common Strategic Policy
Common Strategic Policy sets out the medium-term strategic priorities of the Government for each term of office, which is usually every 4 years.
Each new Council of Ministers is required to publish a statement of its common strategic priorities within 4 months of coming into office for approval by the States Assembly.
Budget (Government Plan)
Budget (Government Plan) sets out the funding position for the Government, including income, and capital and revenue expenditure.
Department Business Plans
The Department Business Plans set out the key objectives for ministers and Government departments for the year ahead and are published annually.
Business Plans also include Service Performance Measures which show how government departments are performing in the delivery of key services.
The following information is provided alongside the Department Business Plans:
- department summaries, which provide information about the operational activities and structure of Government departments. Find more details on the
Government departments
- the Legislative Programme, which sets out legislation that ministers plan to bring forward for debate
Public Policies, which are published online and provide the detail on key areas of policy development for ministers and departments
Reporting on our progress
There are different ways that we report back on our progress. This includes annual reports and more regular reporting so that you can see how we are doing.
Annual Report and Accounts
Annual Report and Accounts provides a clear breakdown of how public money is spent by the Government.
It sets out:
- the financial performance of the States of Jersey Group
- the performance of the Government of Jersey in delivering public services, and sustainability reporting
- information on the composition and organisation of the States of Jersey Group and its governance structures
Departmental Annual Reports
The Departmental Annual Reports are published alongside the Annual Report and Accounts.
The reports explain performance of departments against key objectives and the performance of the services we deliver.
Annual Reporting by the wider States of Jersey Group
Many of the States of Jersey Group entities, organisations and bodies publish their own individual Annual Reports.
Find more information on
States of Jersey Group entities and other organisations and bodies.
Jersey's Performance Framework
The Jersey Performance Framework helps us measure our progress towards sustainable wellbeing.
It shows:
- how we are doing against long-term goals like feeling safe, or how healthy we are
- how government departments are doing in areas like customer service and hospital waiting lists
The Jersey Performance Framework has 2 parts: