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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Positive COVID-19 cases

After a positive COVID test result

If you have a positive COVID test, you should stay at home as much as possible to stop the virus spreading. This is the same after a positive LFT ​or PCR test.

If you have a clinical condition that puts your immune system at risk, you should speak to your GP within 5 days of starting to experience symptoms, as you may be eligible for anti-viral treatment.

Close contacts

It's a good idea to tell people you have spent a lot of time with over the last 3 days that you have tested positive. They should watch out for symptoms and avoid contact with vulnerable people for at least 10 days after contact with you.

If you attend a nursery, school or college, you or your parent or carer should let them know that you have tested positive.

When to get back to normal

After a positive test, you should stay at home as much as possible to stop the virus spreading.

Once you feel well with no fever, you can go back to your normal routine. This includes children returning to school or nursery.

You should avoid meeting people at higher risk of becoming seriously unwell from COVID-19, for 10 days after your positive test.

Returning to work

Some employers or job roles may have different requirements on when you can return to your workplace after a positive test. You should check requirements with your employer.

If your symptoms persist, you should contact you GP for further advice.

Support whilst isolating

If you develop severe COVID-19 symptoms or are worried about your condition, contact your GP or call 999 in an emergency.

If you're unable to work because you're unwell, you may be able to claim Short Term Incapacity Allowance.

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