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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Advice for people at increased risk from COVID-19

​People at increased risk from COVID-19

If you have a weakened immune system (are immunosuppressed) you may be at additional risk. Your immune system may be weakened due to:

  • a health condition
  • because you are on medication
  • undergoing treatment that is suppressing your immune system

Most people who are immunosuppressed will be under the care of a specialist clinician at the hospital.

Advice for people at increased risk from COVID-19

Due to the risks associated with being immunosuppressed, or having a specific medical condition, you should keep yourself protected from COVID-19 and becoming seriously unwell:

  • talk to your GP or specialist clinician and follow any advice provided.
  • get vaccinated against COVID-19 and flu; make sure you have had all of the vaccines you can receive, including boosters
  • ensure you have a supply of LFTs available at home
  • if you have COVID-19 symptoms, stay at home and take a LFT test; make sure you seek medical advice at an early stage
  • keep the air fresh by opening windows and doors
  • consider additional precautions


The best protection you can give yourself is to keep up to date with your vaccines.

It provides the most effective way of preventing you from become seriously unwell or going into hospital. Your family members are encouraged to make sure they are up to date too.​

COVID-19 symptoms and antiviral treatment

If you develop any coronavirus symptoms, even if they are mild, you should stay at home and consider taking an LFT.

LFTs are available to purchase online and from pharmacies and most supermarkets.

If you test positive for COVID-19 or have symptoms of COVID-19, you should contact your GP, who will assess you and confirm if you are eligible for antiviral treatment. If you are eligible, you should start taking the antivirals as soon as possible after you have tested positive and within 5 days of starting to show symptoms. 

If you test negative for COVID-19 but continue to have symptoms or become more unwell, you should still contact your GP for assessment, which may include a rapid COVID PCR test.

Most people who can have antiviral treatment will be under the care of a specialist clinician at the hospital.

For more details on who is eligible for treatment, go to Antiviral treatments for COVID-19

Additional precautions

If you are more clinically vulnerable you may want to consider additional precautions to keep yourself protected, such as:

  • ask friends and family to stay away if they are unwell 
  • ask people visiting your home to wear face coverings
  • wearing a mask in enclosed crowded spaces
  • wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face

Islanders who are immunosuppressed may also want to consider some extra precautions, such as:

  • work from home if you can; if you cannot work from home, speak to your employer about what arrangements they can make to reduce your risk
  • practice physical distancing if that feels right for you and your friends
  • avoid enclosed crowded spaces and activities where physical distancing is difficult 

Children and young people should attend their school unless their clinician has advised otherwise.

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