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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

New planning guidance for Bath Street

03 July 2013

New planning guidelines for the redevelopment and regeneration of Le Masurier's Bath Street site have been released by the Planning Minister, Deputy Rob Duhamel.
The Bath Street Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) is in line with the Island Plan and the North of Town Masterplan, both approved by the States in 2011. Since then, the Department of the Environment has been working to encourage major landowners and developers to bring forward sites for development in town and to actively encourage investment in the area of St Helier.
Over the past year, Planning has worked with landowners Le Masurier Ltd to develop the guidance. The company owns a significant amount of land in Bath Street, and the department also asked the public to comment on development guidelines for the area, and took account of consultation responses.
Le Masurier has not, to date, submitted a planning application for the area but Deputy Duhamel is still hoping that proposals for redeveloping the area will be forthcoming.
“This updated brief provides a flexible and realistic planning framework that we hope will stimulate the much-needed regeneration of a tired and under-used area. I really hope we can now move this forward positively,” Deputy Duhamel said.

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