02 November 2017

Islanders are being asked for their input to a review of the Esplanade Quarter planning blueprint.
The Department of the Environment is working with an independent body, Design Council, to update the development framework for the area.
The existing Esplanade Quarter Masterplan was published in April 2008. The decision to review and update it to provide a sound basis for future decision making follows a recommendation by an independent planning inspector and the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel.
Workshops are being held this Sunday and Monday to help to inform the future development of the St Helier waterfront. People attending will be involved in group discussion and a site walkabout to consider the following:
- the connectivity of streets and public spaces in the area
- how people can cross La Route de la Liberation
- the different ways people will use the area
- how the area will reflect local character
- how to make the most of important views
The department has invited architects, States Members, and local interest and business groups to attend one of two workshops. Members of the public with an interest in the area are invited to apply to attend on Sunday 5 November 2017.
The Minister for the Environment, Deputy Steve Luce said that when work began to update the masterplan, the Environment Department realised that more significant changes were needed.
'Our view is that the plan needs updating, not tweaking. We've broadened the scope of this project but we'll also be focusing on integrating the Waterfront with the centre of St Helier, looking at how people move to and from the area and the way the spaces link up. Consequently, we'll publish an interim plan in the early spring with a detailed masterplan to follow later in the year for consultation and scrutiny before being lodged for debate in the States.'
The public workshop is taking place at the Radisson Hotel on Sunday 5 November between 11.15 and 4 pm. People who would like to attend should email a.coates@gov.je. Places are limited.
Until a new Esplanade Quarter Master Plan is agreed, planning applications submitted for further development on the St Helier Waterfront are being assessed on the basis of the policies that currently exist.
Design Council is a charity, and is recognised as a leading authority on using strategic design as a tool to tackle major societal challenges, drive economic growth and innovation, and improve the quality of the built environment. It advises the UK government on design.