01 November 2019

Prison Officers have formally accepted the 2018-20 pay offer put to them by the States Employment Board. The Jersey Prison Service Association (JPSA) confirmed this today, following a ballot of members. On a turnout of 86%, 98% of the votes were to accept.
The offer includes an increase for 2020 that is above the cost of living and which incorporates an arrangement to share any additional savings and efficiencies.
This offer comprises:
- pay increases and non-consolidated payments already implemented for 2018 and 2019, which remain unchanged
- a consolidated pay increase from 1 January 2020 of 4% (the value of the September 2019 Retail Prices (All Items) Index (2.7%) plus 1.3%)
- a further 0.2% increase will be added to consolidated pay from 1 January 2020, reflecting a half-share of savings and efficiencies identified with JPSA
The Vice Chair of the States Employment Board, Connétable Richard Buchanan, said: “I am pleased that JPSA members have accepted this pay offer. This solution provides a 4.2% pay increase for 2020 and means we can tell prison officers, in advance, exactly what extra increase they will receive from 1 January 2020.”