20 May 2019

Leaflets are being distributed in St Peter and St Ouen this week to let residents know about planned surface improvements on certain roads in the west of the island.
The works will extend the life of the roads, and will affect:
- Route des Hetres and Rue des Sapins in St Peter (from La Grande Route de St Pierre to La Route de Carrefour à Cendre). These roads will be subject to closures between Monday 3 June and Friday 14 June.
Diversion routes will be signposted, and residents will be able to access their properties for the vast majority of the project.
Highway Maintenance Manager, Rob Cabot, said: "The project will involve adding a layer of micro asphalt to the road surfaces, which is a quick and effective way of extending the roads’ lives. The new layer will help to protect the road from water ingress, as well as improving grip when vehicles are braking.
"We recognise that the works will cause some disruption to traffic, and we’re sorry for that, but we will work to minimise the disruption as much as we can. Residents will be able to access their properties throughout most of the project, and their access will only be disrupted for one hour immediately after the new surface has been laid.
"This type of surfacing is not suitable for all roads, but where we can use it, it can be laid much more quickly, and is more cost effective than resurfacing. The new micro asphalt surface is expected to last for more than ten years."
Further information and updates on the projects’ progress will be available on gov.je/roadworks
St Peter road closures map
St Ouen road closures map