12 April 2022

The States Employment Board (SEB) has welcomed the publication of the Jersey Appointments Commission's (JAC) annual report for 2021.
The JAC is an independent body that oversees the recruitment of senior Government employees and appointees to arms-length organisations (ALOs). Its aim is to ensure selection is fair, efficient, and conducted in accordance with best practice and procedures.
The report commends the work of the Government and notes continuing improvements, for instance in the embedding of JAC's best practice processes in the Government and ALOs, and the introduction of Workforce Planning strategies.
The report also lists a set of recommendations including:
- a continued review of the interim process to ensure it is always used appropriately
- a requirement for interview panellists to undergo interview selection training
- more work to attract a greater diversity of candidates
Vice Chair of the SEB, Connétable Richard Buchanan, said: "We welcome these recommendations by the JAC, and we are pleased that the Commission has noted improvements in the way we conduct our appointments.
"We always want to see the best person appointed to roles, and we welcome the increased number of internal appointments, and we are seeing more women in senior leadership positions.
"We will continue to champion diversity in appointments, and we are continuing to work towards a balanced recruitment at higher levels."
The JAC report is available online.