16 January 2023

Revenue Jersey is launching its annual tax filing communications campaign and are advising
Islanders they may find it easier to file online and get the benefits of the online tax return.
Currently 48% of taxpayers file online, but people who prefer to submit paper returns are reassured
they can still file that way if they choose to do so. Paper returns will start landing on doormats from
today and will be delivered to islanders over the next two weeks.
The online return is now available at gov.je/mytaxreturn. The benefits of online filing include,
receiving a confirmation receipt from Revenue Jersey along with PDF copy of their form, and then
a shorter process, as islanders just see the sections they need.
The advertising campaign also highlights a new alternative Government Digital ID option,
JerseyMe. It’s designed for customers without smartphones and who may want face to face
support activating their onegov accounts, which are needed to access the tax return form. Videos
of example tax returns being completed on screen, for a retired couple and a single employed
person, have also been created.
Comptroller of Revenue, Richard Summersgill explains:
“We receive customer feedback each year both on the onegov account activation process, and the
tax return form itself. We’ve worked closely with the Government’s Modernisation and Digital team
to respond to what our customers have told us, both improving our online tax return form, and
making onegov accounts, needed to use our form, more accessible.
“I’m confident the addition of the JerseyMe option, improvements to Yoti option for digital identity,
and changes to our tax form, will benefit customers. I also hope our new demonstration videos may
take the mystery out of the online tax form and encourage customers to give online filing a try.”
Revenue Jersey has also been trialling a Community Helpdesk service since October last year in
collaboration with Modernisation and Digital. It offers tax help and help with the one-off process of
onegov account activation.
The last event in the trial period is on 25th January 9am – 4.30pm at St John’s Parish Hall. Support
with onegov account activation, and demonstrations of the online tax return will be available.
Islanders can find more information about online filing as well as help with the paper return at
gov.je/MyTaxReturn or by calling 440300.